Home / Teeth / Teeth whitening / Teeth whitening strips: what is it, pros and cons, varieties

Teeth whitening strips: harm or benefit

February 6, 2017 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Teeth whitening strips can, depending on the nature of pigmentation, lighten enamel by 1-5 tones

Teeth whitening methods are divided into home and clinical, folk and professional. Homemade include whitening pastes, gels, caps . Not everyone can afford to undergo the procedure in the clinic, someone considers it inappropriate to pay big money for teeth whitening. For one reason or another, people resort to using professional tools at home.

One of these tools are strips, which are sold in pharmacies. Their cost is much less than the whitening operation at the dentist. The gel on the strips and the gel used in the clinic contain the same active substances. The plates are quite easy to use.

What are teeth whitening strips?

The strips are able, depending on the nature of pigmentation, to lighten the enamel by 1-5 tones. These are thin flexible plates coated with a special whitening gel from the inside. After using them at home, a lasting effect remains, noticeable to others.

It is recommended to use the product for people who have a natural gray or yellow tint, if the discoloration has occurred due to the use of coloring drinks, due to a bad habit - smoking.

After undergoing a course of treatment with certain medications, after removing the braces, stains remain on the teeth. Whitening strips can also cope with such spots, but a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

How they work

The plates are impregnated with peroxide gel, which contains hydrogen peroxide, carbamide. On the strip there is a protective film, under it is a gel. When in contact with enamel, peroxide releases oxygen ions, a chemical reaction occurs, they penetrate deep into the tissues of the teeth, destroy pigments. The enamel becomes lighter.

Dentists with laser whitening use a gel of similar composition with a higher concentration of no more than 40%. Substances are activated by laser beams.

The concentration of peroxide in the plates is not more than 20%. Fewer active elements do not affect efficiency. The results achieved after applying the strips and after laser whitening are approximately the same.

Due to the prolonged contact of the gel with the enamel, clarification occurs. The action is repeated daily for a certain time, thanks to which even the most complex pigmentation can be cleared.

Mode of application

The package must be opened, strips (long and short) should be prepared, respectively for the upper and lower teeth. Rinse your mouth before applying. Wipe your teeth with a soft cloth to get rid of unwanted moisture. Remove the protective film from the plate, then attach it to the enamel. The lower part must be bent so that the inside of the teeth is also whitened.

It is important that the strip with the active substance does not touch the gums. It is better to attach a strip in front of a mirror. In the same way, a strip is fixed on the lower teeth. Leave them for the time indicated in the instructions. At the end of the procedure, the teeth should be thoroughly cleaned and the mouth rinsed.

Clarification is carried out daily 1-2 times. One plate is used once, after which it is disposed of. There are usually 28 pieces in a set, varying in length. The strips are fixed for 5-30 minutes, depending on the instructions in the instructions. It is strictly forbidden to eat, drink, smoke, sleep with glued plates. The course should last about a month, during which you should not eat food and drinks that can stain your teeth.

Precautionary measures:

  • Do not brush your teeth before the procedure;
  • keep the kit out of the reach of children;
  • do not allow the gel to come into contact with gums, skin, clothing;
  • be sure to strictly follow the instructions.

Pros and cons of using

One of the main advantages is the possibility of application at home. Many people experience discomfort when visiting the dental office. The result appears after the first procedure. On average, the enamel is lightened by 4-5 tones after the course. You need to keep the strips for about half an hour, at this time you can do household chores. The enamel is not destroyed, and the result is preserved for a year. The procedure is completely painless and completely safe. More affordable than professional whitening surgery.

Of the minuses, one can note the increased sensitivity of the teeth a few days after the whitening. A person may experience discomfort or pain when drinking hot and cold drinks. There is an allergy to the components of the gel, so it is worth testing and making sure that it is not present. It happens that during the procedure, the plates partially move away from the enamel, do not adhere tightly to it, so the clarification is uneven. If the enamel is covered with spots caused by the disease fluorosis , then it is completely impossible to get rid of them.

Contraindications for use:

  • the presence of serious diseases of the teeth and gums;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • foreign bodies in the oral cavity are not bleached, such as fillings;
  • severe systemic abnormalities.

You can not lighten if there is inflammation of the mucous membranes, with periodontal disease, with damage to the teeth, the presence of cracks. First, you should visit a doctor, get treatment and recommendations about the possibility of whitening your teeth at home. In diseases such as epilepsy, bronchial asthma, whitening strips are contraindicated.

Violation of the instructions in the instructions can lead to problems with gums and teeth . In pursuit of the effect, some use the strips more often than possible, keep them for a longer time, which is absolutely impossible to do. The acids contained in the composition of the active substance can not only clean the teeth from age spots, but also damage and destroy the enamel, make it porous, and cracks may appear. This enamel is more prone to discoloration, which subsequently leads to a significant darkening of the teeth.

A visit to the dental clinic before using whitening strips is recommended. Neglect of the instructions supplied with the kit can lead to tooth decay, gum burns. Incorrect bleaching may cause cracks in the enamel, which becomes a favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes. It is forbidden to abuse any methods of brightening the enamel.


The price depends on the manufacturer and purpose of the whitening system. For sensitive teeth, the strips cost from 1,000 rubles, they lighten slowly and gently. If a person is going to use whitening strips for the first time, then it is better to purchase inexpensive, mild ones. With a higher concentration of active substances, kits cost 5-6 thousand rubles. Laser teeth whitening costs about 20 thousand rubles. Purchasing the strips will be a cheaper option for getting a whiter smile in a warm, cozy home environment.


  • For soft and intense lightening in two weeks, Dr. white . The excellent quality of this system is confirmed by international certificates. Products are able to make the enamel lighter by 3-4 tones. The number of strips in one box is 28 pieces. The course will take 2 weeks. It is enough to carry out one procedure a day, it is necessary to hold the plates for 30-40 minutes. The composition of the active substance is soft, hypoallergenic.
  • Crest strips are made in the USA. Quite often, American and our customers prefer them. The proposed range allows you to choose the best option for everyone. The manufacturer has taken care of the opportunity to get a snow-white smile not only for people with completely healthy teeth, but also for owners of hypersensitive enamel, for those who lighten their teeth for the first time. Course duration varies. One of the latest developments is designed for a course lasting 7 days, as a result of which the enamel is lightened up to 5 tones. After any kind of whitening, the effect must be maintained. Crest offers a tool to keep your white smile as long as possible.
  • Brigt Light are comfortable systems that do not cause inconvenience in use. The manufacturer presents a traditional system of clarification, after its use the enamel becomes lighter by 3 tones. There is also a set of strips for carrying out the procedure at night, the gel contained in them does not have an aggressive effect. It is recommended to leave them for no more than 6-8 hours. There are 28 strips in the package. The course lasts only a week.
  • Innovative strips are offered by Rembrandt Intense Dissolving Strips . They are fixed on the teeth for a fairly short time - only 5 minutes, after which they completely dissolve in the oral cavity, that is, it is not necessary to remove the plates. This is very convenient, because sometimes people experience discomfort when removing the strips. In addition to hydrogen peroxide, the gel contains antibacterial substances that prevent the formation of plaque and bad breath.
  • Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips is a system designed for sensitive enamel. The strips are not removed at the end of use, as they dissolve in the mouth. According to the instructions, it is used for 4 weeks to achieve the result.
  • You can get rid of age spots in 28 days with the Selebrity Smile . It is worth choosing for owners of sensitive teeth. Does not irritate soft tissues. With the help of the kit, the teeth become lighter by 4 tones.
  • For people who have sensitive enamel, Gentle Routine . The composition of the product is absolutely natural, does not destroy the enamel. After 7 days of the course, the result is already noticeable, the full course is 28 days.

Before buying whitening complexes, it is worth visiting a doctor for a consultation. Treat gums and teeth if necessary. After that, you can choose the most suitable set of plates in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body.

Lera - May 6, 2017

The strips are convenient when there is no way to go to the doctor. But according to my observations, they still lose to laser whitening.

Doctor - June 3, 2017

Indeed, the strips are not able to lighten the enamel as much as the laser does. This method is more expensive and requires a visit to the dental clinic. strips help to get a brighter smile at home. Remember that any bleaching gives only a temporary effect. Gradually, the enamel will return to its original natural shade.

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