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How to treat dental fluorosis?

May 13, 2016 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

When an excess of fluorine enters the human body, then, first of all, tooth enamel suffers, on which spots or dots appear, first white, and then yellow and brown. This disease is called fluorosis and is treated with bleaching.


In dental practice, pathology is divided into two types: endemic (translated from Greek as “local”) and professional fluorosis.


This type of disease is common in areas where water contains an elevated level of fluorine, that is, above 1 mg / l: in a number of areas of the Moscow region (Ramensky, Krasnogorsk, Odintsovo, Kolomensky, Zelenograd), Tver and Tambov regions, in the Urals, in Western Siberia and aluminum mining regions (Sverdlovsk, Arkhangelsk, Belgorod regions, in the Komi Republic).


Fluorosis of this type develops in workers of metallurgical plants for the production of aluminum and alloys, chemical phosphate enterprises, and ceramic plants.

Fluorine enters the lungs, accumulates in the bones, gradually disrupts the functioning of internal organs, and worsens the composition of tooth enamel. Concentrating on the soil surface of territories located near toxic enterprises, fluorine poses a threat to public health.

Degrees of the disease

Fluorosis develops gradually and has several stages:

  • dashed (thin, very light stripes in the form of strokes on the outer surface of one or three front teeth of the upper jaw are hardly noticeable);
  • spotted (almost half of the tooth is affected, the enamel becomes brittle, the risk of developing caries increases. The strokes turn into distinct shiny white spots. Fluorosis can also occur on the lower jaw);
  • chalk-speckled (the spots change color from white to yellow or reddish-brown and affect almost the entire surface of the tooth, which becomes rough, the enamel is erased. At this stage, all teeth are subject to fluorosis);
  • erosive (enamel is almost absent, teeth become very weak, the disease develops rapidly);
  • destructive (teeth begin to decay, fluorosis spreads to the bone tissue of the whole organism, the risk of a malignant tumor increases).

Especially at the last stage, it is strictly forbidden to drink water supersaturated with fluorine.


So, the main symptoms of fluorosis are a violation of the color and thickness of the enamel, as well as a disease of bone tissue. With this pathology, there are the following symptoms:

  • depending on the stage, the enamel of several teeth (usually incisors) or all is affected: stains and erosion appear (translated from Latin “corrosion”);
  • teeth become weak, prone to caries;
  • with professional fluorosis, external signs may be absent, pain in the arms, legs and spine appears;
  • severe form of dental fluorosis is characterized by muscle weakness; disruption of the autonomic nervous system, which controls processes in the internal organs; liver problems; elevated levels of fluoride in the urine.


The main risk factors for fluorosis are:

  • childhood;
  • excess concentration of fluorine in drinking water;
  • high levels of fluoride in the air.


During the growth of teeth, the enamel is not yet completely fixed on the dentin (the main part of the tooth) and cannot fully withstand an excess of fluoride in a child's or adolescent body - more than 3 mg per day.

Reduced immunity in children after suffering a serious illness can cause the development of fluorosis. Also, formula-fed babies are at risk of developing fluorescent stains on their teeth in the future.

In the diet of children and adolescents, foods and drinks with a high content of fluorine should not often be found: veal, lamb, sea fish, butter, rice, oatmeal, chicken and quail eggs, spinach, tea (including green). It is necessary to eat more dairy dishes and drinks, fruits, vegetables.

Exceeding the saturation of drinking water with fluorine

The content of this element in water over 6 milligrams per liter is critical for adults. Excesses of this substance cannot be assimilated by the body and accumulate in the enamel, creating the prerequisites for changing its color and subsequent tooth decay.

High fluoride content in the air

At enterprises with an increased concentration of fluorine in the air, there is a high risk of workers acquiring fluorosis, which manifests itself in the ingress of this microelement into the blood, the deposition of an insoluble compound, calcium fluoride, on the teeth and bones.

home treatment

To get rid of fluorosis at home, two conditions must be met: avoid drinking water and foods high in fluoride and perform teeth whitening procedures with the obligatory use of enamel strengthening products. It is important to know that home treatment will help only at the initial stage of the disease, when fluorosis has not yet begun to destroy the enamel and the inside of the teeth.

When performing treatment, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • drink water that has been processed through a special filter for defluoridation;
  • alternatively, water can be boiled, frozen, or purified bottled water can be used;
  • use certain toothpastes (for example, those containing calcium glycerophosphate) and avoid toothpastes with fluoride;
  • change your diet by removing the products with a high fluorine content, which were mentioned above, and including chicken meat, buckwheat, dairy products, legumes, pumpkin seeds, vegetables, fruits, berries, greens;
  • take drugs with calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, C, B, P;
  • clean teeth from stains by whitening with baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, wood ash, lemon juice, cucumbers; blueberries, wild strawberries, grapes, strawberries.

Whitening stains from fluorosis

Soda . Apply toothpaste to a brush moistened with a saturated soda solution or mix baking soda with toothpaste.

You can use soda with the addition of 2-3 drops of lemon juice or one drop of essential oil of lemon, grapefruit, lemongrass (a perennial tropical plant with long light green leaves).

Thoroughly brush your teeth with your chosen product. Use strictly once a week.

Wood ash . Mix with toothpaste or apply ash to the brush, then paste. Apply no more than once a week.

Hydrogen peroxide . After brushing your teeth, apply a swab soaked in a 3% peroxide solution for 2-5 minutes on stained teeth. Then rinse your mouth thoroughly. Instead of a tampon, rinses can be used. Perform the procedure 3 times a week.

Fresh berries, grapes, cucumber, lemon zest (peel) . Apply pre-softened berries to the teeth, like hydrogen peroxide, for 2-5 minutes, then rinse your mouth with plenty of water. You can also rub your teeth with grated lemon zest. Apply no more than three times a week.

You need to learn to carry a whitening pencil with you, which is used after meals, if it is not possible to do the procedure.

If you regularly maintain your teeth in a stain-free state, observing the measure, then problems with fluorosis will be successfully resolved.

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