Sometimes even those whose snow-white smile others may envy strive to whiten their teeth - as they say, there is no limit to perfection. However, you should not rush to whiten your teeth either in the dentist's office or at home. These procedures are not so safe for teeth and gums, you have to be careful here, and there are a lot of tips on which method to choose. Moreover, with their own immediate refutation in the comments from those who suffered from whitening cravings and now complain about increased sensitivity of the teeth, then from gum disease.
Let's see what can still be done in this case, especially if there is no way to contact a specialist, because the procedure for professional whitening is not cheap. And, perhaps, you belong to the category of people who are afraid of the dentist like fire. Or do you trust folk remedies more that nature has created for us, and you are ready to give the process itself only ... under your own sensitive control.
First of all, it is worth checking whether it is right for you to whiten your teeth. This option is not for everyone and not for everyone. There are three groups of people who should not undertake this procedure. Ask the following questions:
- Are your teeth very sensitive? In this case, it’s probably not worth the risk, because such procedures erase the enamel, after which the sensitivity of the teeth will increase.
- Do you have crowns and fillings that are visible when you smile? They may not whiten and will be darker than the teeth themselves.
- Consider the color of the enamel - is it yellowish or more of a grayish tint? This happens in those who were repeatedly prescribed antibiotics like tetracycline in childhood. In this case, whitening is unlikely to help. If this question is not easy to answer, then a sheet of office paper, which is used when printing on a printer, will help predict the success of whitening. Attach it to your face in the mirror, comparing the color. Do your teeth appear yellow or grey? If yellowing is clearly visible, then teeth can be whitened. Let them not be the same as a sheet of paper, but they can lighten a few shades. But if the teeth seem grayish, whitening is unlikely to help, which means that the darkening has arisen in the very tissue of the teeth.
Decided to switch to whitening? Let's get started!
Whiten teeth at home
In pharmacies, you can buy pastes and gels, however, we will manage with simple means.
One of the popular methods, it is good because it allows you to whiten your teeth not only effectively, but also quickly. Sprinkle some baking soda on your toothbrush or mix it with your regular toothpaste. In the second case, the taste will be more pleasant. In the process, "listen" to your teeth, their sensitivity, so that if necessary, stop at any time.
This procedure should be carried out for 3-5 minutes daily (1 time per day), until the desired result is achieved.
Hydrogen peroxide
Another tool that has gained great popularity among fans of a snow-white smile. Peroxide can have a different concentration and how long it stays on the teeth depends on whitening. But here it is very important not to overdo it, because peroxide can penetrate the dental nerves, increasing the sensitivity of the teeth. Do not be afraid of some burning, this cannot be avoided. Often the result can be seen within a few weeks, but luck can come to you earlier.
A few specifics and one whitening recipe that combines both of the above points. It will help with gum disease, heal micro-wounds in the mouth, and dissolve tartar.
- Table soda: 0.5 teaspoon;
- Hydrogen peroxide: 10 - 20 drops;
- Lemon: squeeze into the resulting paste.
Add hydrogen peroxide to baking soda and squeeze lemon juice.
Now we dip cotton into the resulting paste and rub the teeth and gums, inside and out.
The tool works in this way: soda cleans plaque, lemon neutralizes it, and peroxide disinfects and also whitens.
After brushing your teeth with this mass, do not rinse your mouth for 10-15 minutes and do not drink liquids.
This procedure must also be performed daily until a lighter shade of teeth is obtained.
Activated carbon
Available and inexpensive, and you can find coal in any pharmacy. To make a whitening agent out of it, you need to crush a black tablet and brush your teeth. Pressing with a brush should be light, otherwise you risk damaging the enamel.
The method can be considered one of the safest, but do not reach fanaticism - bleaching with activated charcoal is best done no more than once every 10 days, because it has an abrasive effect on tooth enamel.
After this procedure, you should also not drink and eat for 10 - 20 minutes, because the process continues, and it does not need to be interrupted for some time. The effect will not keep you waiting after 2 - 3 procedures.
You can also use this method of whitening, such as chewing tablets. The procedure does not look very aesthetically pleasing, because black coal will stain not only the teeth and gums, but also the tongue and lips. However, this should not scare you, because coal does not have an unpleasant taste or repulsive smell. It is only worth warning about the hissing of the tablet when it comes into contact with liquids, but there is absolutely no danger in this.
wood ash
Yes, it does help whiten your teeth. And all thanks to the natural bleach - potassium hydroxide. Frequent use of wood ash is fraught with damage to the enamel, so you should limit yourself to one procedure per week (rub your teeth with wood ash for 3-5 minutes).
Are you afraid to whiten your teeth with baking soda and peroxide? Use ... strawberries! Few people know about the miraculous properties of strawberries and strawberries, which contain natural whitening agents, making these berries an effective tooth cleaner. You don't need to mix anything - just eat! But if you definitely need a recipe, then mash the strawberries to a puree consistency and use like toothpaste. Due to the fact that strawberries contain sugar and acid, after a while it is better to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste.
Whitening toothpaste
It is impossible not to mention it, but this method, despite its simplicity, is not so effective. Such a paste removes only plaque well, but the enamel will not change color. It is advisable to use this paste within a month, in the future it can damage the enamel.
Special whitening gel
In the final, we will touch on the most professional way, among all that can be used at home. There are two ways to whiten with gel:
- Application of the gel with a brush for up to three weeks. The gel hardens on the teeth, being washed off with saliva over time.
- A special mouthguard filled with gel is put on the teeth at night.
Both of these methods can lead to side effects and, choosing them, first consult with a specialist.
When starting to whiten your teeth on your own, do not neglect a preliminary visit to the dentist to prepare your teeth: treat somewhere, fill them up. After whitening, follow the regular care of your teeth. Brushing in the morning and evening and rinsing your mouth with warm water after each meal will be the best prevention against re-yellowing. Don't forget the interdental space and use dental floss. Do not ignore the dentist, checking at least once every six months. And, of course, do not abuse coffee and do not smoke - then your smile will always remain snow-white and dazzling!