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Causes of pain in the gums and ways to treat them at home

April 10, 2015 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

When a person has gum pain, he experiences painful sensations while eating and drinking, especially hot, cold, salty and sour foods and drinks. To get rid of pain, you need to be able to provide yourself with primary first aid, do not dismiss visiting the dentist and follow his recommendations.

Causes of pain

The occurrence of pain in the gums is caused by an inflammatory process and may be due to one of the main reasons:

  • the course of gingivitis, periodontitis or periodontitis;
  • an injury from a filling or crown ;
  • wisdom tooth growth.

The appearance of gingivitis and periodontitis is associated with insufficient care for the oral cavity, which entails the formation of plaque and tartar on the teeth. These accumulations adversely affect the condition of the gums and cause an inflammatory process, the initial stage of which is called gingivitis and is manifested by bleeding, redness, swelling, and pain.

The advanced stage is called periodontitis. In this case, there is mobility of the teeth, the appearance of "pockets" in the gums with reserves of pus, exposure of the root of the tooth.

A sharp swelling of the gums about one to three teeth indicates the development of periodontitis, in which a purulent focus occurs in the upper part of the tooth root. In the process of this disease, a flux of the periosteum of the tooth can form with a pronounced swelling of the gums.

It can also cause gum pain if an injury is caused by a lowered edge of a crown or an ill-fitting filling. In a neglected case, the focus of inflammation reaches the adjacent teeth. There is gum pain as a result of complications after tooth extraction or prosthetics.

The wisdom tooth is often accompanied by painful symptoms in the gum area.

The main causes of the inflammatory process occur against the background of certain factors:

  • incomplete oral care;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • beriberi;
  • the presence of a number of chronic diseases;
  • smoking;
  • cysts;
  • the wrong toothbrush.

How to treat gum disease?

In no case should pain sensations be left to chance or hope for self-treatment. Both will cause irreparable harm. You can’t do without a qualified intervention of a dentist, but in addition you need to have the skills of home care for yourself before visiting a doctor.

Pre-medical treatment

Before consulting a specialist, you can relieve pain with anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, diclofenac, paracetamol or their analogues) and rinsing with baking soda, potassium permanganate, furacelin, medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, oak bark, eucalyptus, St. John's wort).

It is important to understand that self-reduction of pain does not solve the essence of the problem, but only stops it for a while. Moreover, after a pause, the pain can rush with a vengeance and at the most inopportune moment.

Gingivitis, periodontitis

To successfully treat such gum disease, the doctor eliminates the main cause - tartar. After this procedure, the dentist will advise the patient on proper hygiene of the teeth and gums and prescribe an individual course of therapy to relieve the inflammatory process.

In this case, the doctor can prescribe therapeutic toothpaste (Parodontax, Lakalut-active or others), rinsing with rotokan, stomatofit, miramistin, chlorhexidine, caposol. In addition to these agents, the therapy includes gels for gums asepta, metrogil denta, hyaludent.

If this treatment is enough for gingivitis, then periodontitis requires additional attention. In addition to the therapeutic course, most likely, antibiotics will be needed, and the choice of these drugs is based on the patient's history. Medicines of this group must be used in accordance with the prescribed dosage, otherwise you can get new diseases and complications.

With periodontitis, gum pockets with purulent contents are cleaned and sutured using curettage, a special surgical technique. If it is necessary to remove diseased gum tissues, close the exposed roots of the teeth, then a flap operation is performed, which restores the destroyed tissues and provides them with full blood circulation.

In addition to gum treatment, periodontitis requires strengthening of mobile teeth by splinting with crowns, fiberglass, and clasp prostheses. The last option is a thin arc and is the most reliable. The splinting method is chosen by the doctor based on the overall picture of the diagnosis.

The most neglected case needs tooth extraction, while the method of treatment will depend on the condition of the diseased gums.


Such a disease occurs as a result of caries or pulpitis (inflammation of the dental nerve), develops in the upper part of the root, which causes pain in the gums.

First, an x-ray examination is prescribed, which determines the diseased tooth, pathological changes in bone tissue as a result of inflammation, the condition of the filling and the correctness of its installation.

Elimination of pain in the gums with periodontitis is achieved by treating the tooth: removing the affected tissue, the dental nerve, root canal treatment and their temporary filling. Next, a therapeutic course of taking drugs, rinses, gel applications is prescribed, aimed at improving the tooth and gums.

Gum injury from a filling or crown

In case of inflammation of the gums from the protruding edge of the filling, this section of the material is removed by grinding. In some cases, the entire filling has to be replaced.

Since an injury can only be eliminated in the dentist's office, home treatment will not help stop the inflammatory process. Moreover, the extra part of the filling retains food debris and contributes to the further development of the disease.

If the crown causes pain and discomfort in the gums, then the doctor first recommends rinsing with solutions and applying a gel. In the absence of a positive result, a new crown is installed.

wisdom tooth growth

a wisdom tooth grows , then rinse solutions, decoctions of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort can be used to relieve pain in the gums. The main effective treatment will be prescribed by a doctor.

If there is swelling of the gums, fever, then surgical intervention is necessary, during which it is possible to open the gums or remove the tooth. Before the operation, antibiotic therapy is prescribed to relieve the inflammatory process.

Minor inflammation

The most correct solution for inflammation, even the mildest, is to consult a doctor. The appointment of home treatment will prevent possible complications of the disease. Chlorhexidine rinses and gum treatment with holisal are usually prescribed. The course lasts 10 days, after each procedure you need to refrain from food for 2-3 hours.

Folk remedies

For pain in the gums, alternative medicine advises using rinses with solutions: hydrogen peroxide, sea salt, sage, oak bark, mummy, 10-day kefir, black radish juice. Healing decoctions of pine needles, lime blossom, buckthorn, rowan leaves are also used as rinses.

You can put uncooled tea bags on the gums, grated raw beets with the addition of sunflower oil, grated raw potatoes, birch tar, cut along the aloe leaf. A mixture of sea salt and honey is rubbed on the sore gums. There is a very simple drug: the application of a slurry of edible salt and boiled water. Lubrication and rubbing for the best result is fixed with chamomile or oak bark rinses.

Traditional medicine recommends against inflammation of the gums infusions of wormwood, alder, sage, calamus, strawberry leaves or nettles.

Before treatment with the chosen folk remedy, you should consult your doctor.

Helpful Hints

With inflammation of the gums, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules that will help you recover faster.

  • The dentist will advise which brush is best to choose so as not to cause injury to the gums. A gentle option during the period of illness is a brush of soft stiffness. For a speedy recovery of the gums, you need to purchase a toothpaste based on medicinal herbs and alternate it with regular toothpaste.
  • In order not to suffer from unnecessary pain, it is better not to consume hot, cold, sour and salty foods and drinks. You should also avoid hard vegetables and fruits, replacing them with freshly squeezed juices.
  • Scientists have proven the existence of a connection between the condition of the teeth and nervous stress, since strong unrest reduces immunity, and it is difficult to remove bacteria from the body. Therefore, as strange as it may sound, one of the remedies for diseased gums is calmness.
  • It is useful to drink cranberry juice - it protects the teeth and gums from sticking bacteria. Eating lemon, foods with vitamin D, limiting sweets will help to quickly cope with the inflammatory process.


  • To keep your gums healthy and strong, you need to regularly brush your teeth along the growth of the teeth, that is, from top to bottom. Every tooth must be cleaned, and not symbolically, but diligently.
  • These manipulations are carried out 2 times a day, then you need to thoroughly clean the tongue with sweeping movements along, then across. You can do this with a clean toothbrush.
  • After the procedure, rinse your mouth and throat with salted water. Cleaning the tongue significantly cleanses the oral cavity of bacteria: their number is reduced by 10 times, the formation of tartar is reduced by 3 times.
  • Baking soda is excellent for brushing your teeth as an acid neutralizer, while reducing the possibility of developing dental diseases.

Recipe for homemade pasta to prevent inflammation and bleeding gums

If you undergo an examination in dentistry every six months, follow the advice of a doctor, keep your teeth clean, then the gums will always be healthy.

Tatiana - June 29, 2015

Very relevant article, thanks for the valuable advice!

Olga - April 16, 2016

It helps my daughters to chew zabrus.

Tamara - April 22, 2016

Folk remedies help for the sake of prevention, and if something is more serious, you still need to use pharmacy products. Somehow I hurt my gum, than I didn’t rinse, there was relief, but it didn’t go away. I went to the dentist, said to apply Solcoseryl paste on the gum. It's all gone in a couple of days.

tatiana - September 17, 2016

What to do if the gum hurts very much it hurts please answer me in advance I will be grateful with respect tatyana

Margarita - December 12, 2016

After the extraction of a tooth, my gums began to hurt, they were not pulled out very carefully. Then Trachisan pills just saved me. They are antiseptic and heal well. I'm glad it all went by pretty quickly.

Savior - September 28, 2017

For me personally, with inflamed gums, it helped 1. just keep the gums in cold filtered water (for a short time) 2. always helped, Forest balm (not only for prevention but also as a treatment) when rinsing for 3-4 minutes, hold the rinse aid over the place where it hurts gums (helped a lot) 3. from folk propolis helped a lot 4. from tablets, Nise, Pentalgin, Ibuprofen (not for everyone), Novigan, etc. help well <<< they also help with toothaches 5. a decoction of oak bark is also very helps 6. A solution of salt, soda and drops of iodine. Rinse for 10 minutes. 7. Menovazin helps a lot. We apply it on a cotton pad and apply it to the sore gum, it will relieve pain like a hand (also temporarily) 8. A leaf in the context of aloe also helps, but not for everyone and not always. 9. if there is a hole (hollow) in the tooth and the gum hurts from it, you can use porridge from garlic (it will burn out the nerves), menovazin will also help. 10. and the most important point! I sincerely hope that my resources will help you. But the most important thing, of course, is to immediately contact a doctor. Teeth are not to be trifled with... Good luck.

lesya - December 8, 2017

I had inflammation, took a sip of boiling water and, against the background of the burn, wounds appeared, terribly painful (I had to immediately buy Gengigel, a special gel that relieves pain and copes with wounds with a bang. In general, 3-4 days and I returned to normal life

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