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The cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt. What's the matter?

June 14, 2015 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

A condition in which a swelling of the cheek is observed against the background of the absence of toothache is a manifestation of the inflammatory process in the body. Pathology can declare itself too late, when there are no options left to save the tooth.

In addition, the cheek swells not only for dental reasons, which must be quickly sorted out so as not to miss the time.


A swelling of the cheek without toothache can be associated with many factors, as a result of which fluid accumulates in the tissues of the face. They are:

  • periodontal disease;
  • allergy;
  • nerve removal;
  • development of pulpitis or periodontitis;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • neurological problems;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • mumps;
  • cyst;
  • injury;
  • a bite of an insect.

In addition to the listed reasons, which are considered the most common, the cheek also swells during inflammation of the nasal mucosa, hormonal disorders, and oncological diseases.

periodontal disease

The disease occurs when the periodontium (periodental tissue) is damaged due to insufficient blood supply to the gums, which leads to tooth loss, especially in old age. With periodontal disease, cheek swelling can occur at any time.


Such a reaction may appear on the product, medicine, filling material.

Nerve removal

During the treatment of pulpitis (inflammation of the tissue of the tooth cavity), the nerve is usually removed, so the tooth does not hurt. A swollen cheek indicates the presence of inflammation in the root of the tooth.

Development of pulpitis or periodontitis

If the pulpitis was not treated, then the disease is aggravated by the appearance of purulent foci, the development of which spreads the infection into the blood, which is very dangerous for the body. Periodontitis (inflammation of the root tissues of the tooth) can lead to the same result.

Inflammation of the gums

After a gum incision to remove purulent fluid, cheek swelling may increase due to tissue injury during surgery. Over time, the swelling subsides. With inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), swelling of the cheeks is also possible.

neurological problems

One example is Quincke's edema, which occurs when there is a violation of the supply of tissues with nerves. There are many causes of the disease: from allergies to heredity. This phenomenon affects people with poor thyroid or ovarian function. Observed from 2-3 hours to several days.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

The disease is often accompanied by a focus of purulent infection, provoked by bacteria - staphylococci and streptococci.


For patients, the most common name for this disease is "mumps", which is accompanied by inflammation of the salivary glands, leading to swelling of the cheek, and is infectious. It is transmitted through coughing, sneezing, talking, and shared objects.


A small round formation on the inner surface of the cheek (cyst) can grow up to 2 cm, occurs as a result of trauma when talking, eating.


Swelling of the cheek contributes to a blow, bruise. The extent of the injury is examined and treated by a specialist. With minor damage, the swelling subsides the next day.

Injury can also occur when the chipped part of the tooth rubs against the oral mucosa on the cheek. Bacteria penetrating the wound cause inflammation and swelling.

A bite of an insect

Bees, wasps, bumblebees, and other insects are capable of causing an increase in cheek size with their bite.

First aid

For dental diseases:

After removing the nerve, rinses with salt solutions, soda, infusions of anti-inflammatory drugs from a pharmacy, decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, and sage should be used. These methods will help untreated teeth and problem gums for a while.

In case of injury:

If the swelling arose as a result of a blow and the facial bones are intact, then before visiting a doctor, one of the available methods should be used: alternate cold and dry warm compress, apply raw potato slices, apply troxevasin gel or butadione ointment.

After an insect bite:

A compress of soda solution or aloe, a single dose of an antiallergic drug is recommended if the swelling has come as a result of an insect bite.

Generic Methods:

Regardless of the cause of the swollen cheek, you can use herbal preparations: sage, eryngium and Russian mustard; hypericum, sage and oak bark; peppermint, birch buds, periwinkle and angelica. Warm infusion of the mixture should rinse your mouth several times.

Helpful Hints

  • For the successful treatment of facial asymmetry with edema, self-treatment is contraindicated: only the initial removal of the symptom, followed by a visit to the doctor.
  • Hot compresses should not be applied, as they contribute to the formation and spread of the purulent process.
  • Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor, since such drugs seriously affect the immune system.
  • A sick cheek does not need to be disturbed: knead, press, lie on it. Hot food and drinks are not recommended.

Possible complications with increased edema

When the swelling of the cheek progresses, there is an increase in body temperature. The process can spread to the eye, and with dental problems, there is a high probability of losing a tooth. If you do not go to the clinic in time, then the resulting purulent formation, penetrating through the blood, affects the body.

Specialized assistance

In any case, even if the tumor has passed, you need to see a doctor to avoid relapse and complications.

If the therapist suspects a lesion of the salivary gland, he will refer the patient for examination by several specialists.

An X-ray image helps to determine the diagnosis and carry out treatment in the right direction.

With inflammation of the oral mucosa, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory agent.

Treatment of Quincke's edema depends on the location and extent of the lesion. Active drug therapy should be supplemented with a special diet, exercise, walks.

Contacting a specialist will protect you from troubles, help to correctly cure edema and not get complications of the disease.

Anastasia - June 17, 2015

My nephew had the same problem, thanks for the helpful tips.

Lara - June 17, 2015

Yes, with Quincke's edema, it is no longer up to the teeth, if you do not stop the attack and take urgent measures, in the form of a tracheostomy, you can only wait for a lethal outcome ...

Larisa - June 17, 2015

I think that before engaging in self-medication, you should consult a doctor, and the doctor will make a diagnosis and determine the cause of the tumor on the cheek, or in the area of ​​​​the enlarged lymph node. The reasons you all mentioned are very different and they all require different treatment.

Oleg - June 18, 2015

I agree with Larissa. In this case, self-treatment will not lead to good.

lyudmila - June 19, 2015

I still don’t know how my teeth hurt, but the gums bleed periodically. I regularly go to the doctor to remove the stones. I even lost one tooth without pain. Out of nowhere, he began to wobble. Due to paradanthosis, my husband lost almost all his teeth, probably infected me too.

Dmitry - June 19, 2015

For me, a visit to the dentist is already a feat!

Elena - June 19, 2015

Yes, with such a problem it is definitely impossible to do without specialists.

Arina - June 20, 2015

How many causes of toothache! I usually immediately go to the doctor, I try not to bring the condition to a critical one.

Diana - June 22, 2015

Thanks for the comprehensive information! From all this I conclude that in such cases it is best to consult a doctor.

Faith - June 26, 2015

In any case, this is a matter for specialists, and such states cannot be left to chance. Better yet, don't let it happen at all.

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