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Treat or remove a diseased wisdom tooth?

October 22, 2017 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Wisdom teeth are the last to grow and in most cases bring a lot of trouble to their owners. This is due to the peculiarities of their growth. Most often, eights do not have enough room for their growth, or they have complex roots. The direction of growth of such teeth in many cases is wrong, they tend to grow into neighboring teeth. Such problems are manifested by painful sensations and discomfort. They become decisive in the matter of removing eights. For pain relief during the growth of a wisdom tooth, many use holisal, you can read more about this remedy in this article

Treat or remove a wisdom tooth

Eighth teeth grow last in the dentition. In this regard, it is very difficult for the dentist to treat them. The main reason for this is inaccessibility. The treatment of eights brings discomfort not only to the specialist, but also to the patient, who finds it very difficult to open his mouth wide. Due to these factors, the therapy of such teeth cannot be of high quality. Therefore, most specialists stop at the decision to remove wisdom teeth. This will eliminate the pain of the patient, as well as prevent possible complications associated with the growth of eights. Before removing a tooth, a specialist should ask the patient about the peculiarities of his health - the presence of chronic diseases, allergies to medicines. An X-ray examination of the problematic tooth is mandatory.

Reasons for keeping the G8

There are reasons that refute the removal of the eight:

  • absence of the seventh tooth;
  • absence of both the sixth and seventh teeth;
  • the risk of future loss of the sixth or seventh tooth.

In these cases, it would be advisable to save the tooth, but only if it grows properly and there is no pain on its part.

Manipulation of wisdom tooth extraction

This procedure is carried out in a dental clinic completely painless, under local anesthesia. The dentist selects anesthesia individually. Takes little time. It does not entail any complications.


  1. the introduction of an anesthetic;
  2. an incision in the gum in order to gain access to the tooth;
  3. direct removal using special tools;
  4. gum stitching.

To stitch the wound, threads are used that do not dissolve. They are removed after a certain time after the healing of the gums. Removal is painless. During the period of tightening the wound, special attention should be paid to oral hygiene. The doctor should tell in detail about the special care after removal. It is necessary to repeat the appointment with the dentist for the purpose of control.

Julia - January 7, 2018

Wisdom teeth are probably called that, because a Wise Doctor is needed to remove them) Thank you for the information, I will carefully monitor my teeth and the teeth of my loved ones!

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