the main / Teeth / Diseases and treatment / Wisdom tooth hood removal: consequences, cost

Pericoronitis - wisdom tooth hood removal

August 31, 2017 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Removing the hood of a wisdom tooth is a dental operation that consists in the local removal of gum tissue that covers the crown of an erupting tooth.

Wisdom tooth - what is it?

This is the name of the eighth tooth, which erupts later than the others. There are people whose molars do not erupt at all, and this is not an anomaly, because this tooth is a vestige. Due to evolution, it has become unnecessary.

The figure eight is cut through the formed gum area. It is this part of the gum, hanging over the erupting dental crown, that is called the hood. If growth occurs painlessly, then the need for surgical intervention disappears by itself. If the growth of the tooth is painful, then it is quite possible that the excision of the hood will be required.

Pericoronitis and its symptoms

In the space between the tooth and the gum, food remains that cannot be completely cleaned out. An unfavorable environment causes an inflammation process called pericoronitis.

Symptoms of the initial stage:

  • swelling of the gums;
  • pain in the area of ​​the rudiment;
  • smell and taste of putrefaction in the mouth.

If the initial stage has been missed, then others are added to these symptoms.

Symptoms of the advanced stage:

  • increase in puffiness;
  • pain in the process of opening the mouth;
  • elevated temperature;
  • cheek swelling;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • decreased jaw mobility;
  • weakness all over the body.

Indications for hood removal

When the first symptoms appear, a visit to the dentist is necessary. The specialist will give an opinion on the condition of the hood and subsequent actions.

Excision is done in the case of:

  • persistent bad breath associated with purulent formations under the hood;
  • the presence of acute gingivitis - constant pain does not allow normal eating and may well provoke migraines and backache in the ears;
  • swelling of the cheeks and gums, when it becomes quite difficult for a person to open his mouth, because the swollen hood presses on the masticatory muscle;
  • pain when swallowing; a general morbid condition that accompanies an increase in temperature.

Why does the hood need to be removed?

After diagnosing pericoronitis, the patient is referred for surgery. This is the traditional way to solve this problem, since drug treatment may not bring a positive result, but, on the contrary, it will be harmful to health. Taking antibiotics on a regular basis will relieve gum disease. But, if the pike of wisdom grows into a pike, then a relapse will occur a few days after taking the last pill. Since antibiotics are very detrimental to the entire body, they should be abandoned.

Without treatment, rotting and inflammation can affect soft tissues, and pus-causing microorganisms may well enter the blood or lymph. The consequences of the disease for the most part require long and complex treatment at the hospital, and, often, one cannot do without surgical intervention. Therefore, it is worth overcoming fear and going to the dentist to excise the hood.

Once the hood is excised, there is no room for bacteria to grow and inflammation should not recur. Rudiment will continue its growth without hindrance. It is also worth checking for gum excision in the same place. There are cases of re-inflammation, but then the only right decision would be to remove the growing tooth.

Stages of the operation

In preparation for surgery, the first place is the removal of an acute inflammatory process. This is done by rinsing the mouth. Chamomile infusion is the best remedy, but only in the absence of allergies. If you still have an allergy, then the best option is a solution of soda with salt. To relieve the pain syndrome, it is worth taking a painkiller pill.

Stage number 1. Anesthesia.

In the absence of allergies, local anesthesia is used. In some cases, for example, in case of drug intolerance, pregnancy or lactation, the procedure takes place without the introduction of anesthesia. After the introduction of anesthesia, the gums lose sensitivity, and the operation is performed without pain.

Stage number 2. Removal of the hood over the wisdom tooth.

The site for resection is outlined and cut off with surgical scissors or cut off with a laser so as to completely open the tooth surface to prevent re-inflammation.

Stage number 3. Washing the wound with antiseptics.

At the end of the operation, the wound is washed with a special antiseptic and a hemostatic drug. As soon as the bleeding is stopped, a compress with a healing drug is applied.

Stage number 4. Medicinal treatment for a fast healing process.

The dentist prescribes a course of treatment, which is carried out at home. It consists in holding baths from a conventional saline solution or chlorhexidine. Basically, the dentist, taking into account the degree of complexity of the disease or the detection of purulent formations during the operation, prescribes antibiotics. Drug therapy with antibiotics is prescribed taking into account individual indications.

Stage number 5. Medical advice and re-examination.

To prevent repeated surgical intervention, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor and be sure to come for a second examination.

Gum healing time after surgery

Despite the fact that the excision procedure is quite simple, there is a violation of the integrity of the soft tissues, and their healing takes time. How long the pain and healing of soft tissues will last depends only on the individual characteristics of the patient's body and the implementation of the doctor's recommendations. Usually, with strict adherence to the recommendations, the rehabilitation process takes several days.

Pro Tips

Since, for various reasons, people are afraid of visiting the dentist, quite often this leads to complications during the eruption of wisdom teeth. Most often, people resort to the help of traditional medicine. It is worth remembering that this will relieve the symptoms, but will not eliminate the cause. In addition, the overall picture may be blurred and pericoronitis may spread.

A severely injured mucosa recovers much longer than healthy tissue. The momentary reduction in pain that occurs after rinsing with herbs will only lull vigilance. The inflammatory process is already developing and repetition will not keep you waiting. Only a qualified dentist will evaluate and help get rid of the problem.

Self-medication with antibacterial medicines is dangerous to health. The action of these drugs is local and their use will lead to the fact that the inflammatory process deepens in the tissues. This can provoke the development of purulent complications in the lymphatic system and respiratory tract.

Inflammation of the hood is treated only by excision. This procedure is much safer than uncontrolled home self-medication. Therefore, when the first painful sensations appear during teething, it is worth going to the dentist. Modern medicine allows you to painlessly carry out the excision procedure. It is not worth delaying the visit, because it is fraught with great complications. Treatment at the initial stage will bring minimal harm to the body.

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