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Teeth whitening trays at home

April 1, 2016 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Human health lies not only in the precise work of all organs, but also in the little things. One of these concepts includes the beauty of a smile, which is hard to imagine without snow-white teeth. Unfortunately, nature did not reward everyone with this weapon. But, modern technologies and the level of development of medicine will help to solve the problem efficiently and quickly. Today we will tell you about mouthguards for teeth whitening at home, as well as their main advantages and the method of self-administration of the procedure.

Darkening of the teeth can be observed as a result of many factors. These can be diseases of the oral cavity, caries and other defects. Sometimes it's just the food you eat that's to blame. To whiten darkened enamel, there are many methods. Caps have proven themselves well. They will save the patient from numerous trips to the dentist for a professional whitening procedure.

Advantages of the technique

The use of whitening trays is convenient for the patient. The clinic will have to visit only for the manufacture of an individual cast. The rest of the actions are carried out exclusively at home. This is a great chance to save time and eliminate the need to regularly adjust your schedule for dental office visits. In addition, it is difficult to meet a person who likes to see a specialist in this category of medicine very often. The use of caps is the best fit for busy business people.

The whitening procedure using this technology is quite simple. It is easy to master for a person completely far from medicine. And the result is clearly visible after a short period of time from the beginning of whitening. Efficiency is in no way inferior to other popular methods.

Procedure procedure

It is important to clarify that the expected result can only be obtained using sealed caps. It is possible to make them only in a specialized office. To do this, an impression of the patient's jaw is made. It is impossible to pick up a ready-made product, because the structure of the jaw is purely individual for everyone. Therefore, it is better to set yourself up for several visits to the dentist, which will be needed to make casts and try on the resulting caps.

To start whitening, you need to properly clean the oral cavity. This will help remove food debris, plaque, tartar and other unwanted deposits from your teeth. Next, the patient applies the intended pastes or gels to the teeth. The preparations contain whitening elements, as well as their components are endowed with the ability to saturate the enamel with minerals and other useful trace elements. It is in order that the whitening paste is not washed out of the teeth with saliva in a short period of time, mouth guards are needed. Due to their complete tightness, they reliably hold preparations on the enamel surface.

How are whitening trays made?

The flexibility that is required for a tight fixation of the structure is achieved due to the material of manufacture. Here it is a thin plastic, which is nevertheless able to provide tightness. The specialist adjusts the size of the product very carefully. If the mouth guards stick out, then the result of whitening will not be able to please the patient. The construction phase is divided into several processes. This:

  • getting a cast;
  • formation of a gypsum analogue;
  • production of depot using composites;
  • final shaping (stamping, trimming).

Next is a sample. The patient receives instructions for use. Putting on mouthguards is quite easy on your own. But only a specialist can accurately determine the optimal period of their operation. Long-term use threatens with thinning of the enamel and the acquisition of a number of diseases that inevitably follow.

The best way to whiten

In the clinic, you can get the desired result in one session. Carrying out at home will require much more time. But, in turn, it is much more comfortable for the patient. Therefore, everything is individual here, everyone should prioritize for himself what is more important for him: time or comfort.

In the clinic, before starting whitening with caps, the specialist conducts a thorough examination of the oral cavity to identify possible contraindications. Next, a whitening substance is applied to the caps, and they are attached to the teeth. Special equipment is used, namely a lamp. It gives a glow and warmth, which speeds up the process of brightening the enamel. The whole procedure will not take more than an hour and a half. But after this time, the patient will be able to personally evaluate the effect. In most cases, one session is sufficient.

Home whitening with caps is somewhat different from office whitening. This is especially true for time. Up to 15 sessions may be required to obtain the expected results. Despite the duration of all processes, many people prefer this option, since teeth whitening can be combined with other household chores.

The patient will receive the optimal effect if he uses mouthguards throughout the night. But the time of use should always be discussed with your doctor. This is necessary to avoid side effects. Thin enamel can be a serious barrier to long-term use. The advantage of home whitening can be considered not only comfort, but also safety. In this case, the clarification is more gentle, there is no sharp external influence, which will affect the health of the oral cavity.

General recommendations

The effect will delight with its appearance for a long time, subject to further recommendations after teeth whitening with caps. This is especially true in the first couple of weeks. Thus, you can not only strengthen the result, but also continue the clarification process.

  • The main recommendation is to follow a diet that excludes the use of foods with a bright dye. This includes coffee, red wine, berries and other products that have a pronounced shade. It is advisable to completely abandon such food, but when there is no strength to resist eating your favorite dish, you must immediately take the necessary measures after that. Careful hygiene procedures are relevant in this case.
  • Experts advise to reduce smoking to a minimum. Nicotine negatively affects the whiteness of the teeth. For the first two or three days, it is better to give up cigarettes altogether. For the beauty of a smile, this is an extremely undesirable product. Heavy smokers always have problems with the oral cavity, and the teeth after long-term smoking of cigarettes have a characteristic yellow tint.
  • To enhance the effect, you must carefully monitor hygiene. It is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day and rinse your mouth, if possible, after each meal. A good result in removing food debris and other deposits is shown by dental floss. Do not assume that without following the recommendations, whiteness will last a long time. No, everything needs to be put in at least some effort.


Like any other external influence, teeth whitening with caps has a number of contraindications. The procedure has an impact on the general condition of the body, so it is important to know the factors that may prevent the whitening of the enamel.

This necessarily includes carious deposits. For safe whitening, you must first sanitize the oral cavity. It can be artistic restoration or partial prosthetics. Old or too large fillings can also become an obstacle. Then the dentist recommends grinding them or replacing them with others. Dentures, unlike your own teeth, do not change color after whitening with caps, so they can become a serious contraindication. The doctor must warn the patient about this feature. After all, the color of your own teeth and prostheses after whitening can vary significantly.

The presence of chronic diseases and inflammatory processes in the body can be aggravated after whitening. It is advisable to undergo a course of treatment before the procedure. Pregnancy and a general weakening of the immune system are also undesirable to combine with teeth whitening. Allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to the components of the brightening gel will become an obstacle.

Mouthguards are a good and effective method of home teeth whitening. The ease of fixation and a noticeable result attract many patients to the technique. In addition, the option of such clarification is quite budgetary.


Prices for teeth whitening with caps start from 2,000 rubles - the easiest option without making an individual cap, and can reach 5,000-6,000 rubles - with an individual approach.


This is how mouthguards for home teeth whitening look like:

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