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What to do when the wisdom tooth hurts and the gums swell?

March 13, 2015 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Toothache is one of the most annoying and strong, and most often the most problematic in this regard are wisdom teeth. In the process of growth, they cause discomfort and prevent a person from sleeping peacefully and doing their own thing. Our article will talk about the causes and duration of pain, what to do if the growth of a wisdom tooth provokes severe pain, and what to do if a recently removed wisdom tooth hurts.

What to do when a wisdom tooth hurts and gums swell

Why does a wisdom tooth hurt?

Pain is an integral part of the process of damage, growth and healing of bone tissue. In addition, there are several more reasons that provoke pain in wisdom teeth:

  1. Inflammation, bleeding and swelling of the gums, which appear due to lack of space in the oral cavity for normal growth and placement of the wisdom tooth.
  2. Diseases of the oral cavity, provoking pain of the teeth themselves and the tissues surrounding it. These include pulpitis, pericoronitis and periodontitis.
  3. Incorrect or poor-quality oral care, which causes caries and stomatitis.

With severe toothache, you should contact a dentist who can identify the cause and eliminate it as soon as possible without harm to health.

How long does a wisdom tooth hurt?

With severe pain, each person has a completely logical question: “When will all this stop?”. The pain associated with wisdom teeth is no exception. It is unlikely that it will be possible to give an exact answer to the question posed. in each individual case, it is necessary to consider concomitant factors, causes of pain and methods for their elimination. We will provide approximate data that will help you navigate when a toothache occurs.

  • When cutting . Most often, it is the growth of the wisdom tooth that provokes pain, and in some cases a person may have a fever, swelling of the gums and cheeks, a headache, etc. Pain in this case will pass after the tooth is completely erupted, and this process goes on for all people individually (from 10 days to 3 months). To alleviate the situation, you can contact a specialist who will make an incision in the gums and give the tooth the opportunity to crawl out without problems and causing discomfort.
  • After removal . As a rule, pain after a recent removal of a wisdom tooth is caused by external intervention, therefore, along with the healing of the tissue, the pain will also go away. If the extraction of the tooth was quick and trouble-free, then after a few hours the pain will subside, if difficult, then the discomfort will be felt from 3 to 7 days (with a daily decrease). A cause for concern may be pain, which after 2 days does not go away and increases. In this case, inflammation of the gums is possible, the treatment of which must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Diseases . Wisdom teeth are more prone to the appearance of various diseases than others. they are difficult to reach with a toothbrush or floss to make a full cleaning. In this case, the pain will disappear after the tooth is cured or pulled out by the dentist. The most common dental diseases are pulpitis, caries and periodontitis.

Severe toothache cannot be tolerated, because. it can provoke the appearance of a number of unpleasant moments: tumors of the gums and cheeks, migraine, hypertension, etc.

The wisdom tooth grows and hurts. What to do?

The eruption of a wisdom tooth is considered one of the most painful processes, so when it occurs, you need to know how to get rid of the pain and not harm yourself even more. 

The safest method of getting rid of toothache is rinsing with herbal infusions. Traditionally, decoctions of sage and oak bark are considered the strongest painkillers. Also effective means are turnips, salt and soda. With regular rinsing, the pain will decrease and will be less disturbing.

If folk methods do not help, then you should use the recommendations of dentists, which are carried out at home. First you need to attach an ice cube to the outside of the cheek on the aching tooth, 15-20 minutes will be enough. Medicines can also help, the prescription and dosage of which must be given by the doctor. To relieve inflammation, nimesulide, ibuprofen and paracetamol are taken, applications (with local anesthetics) and analgin will help get rid of pain, Eludril and Chlorhexidine solutions are suitable as antiseptics.

Before taking medications or performing other procedures, it is necessary to visit a dentist who can pinpoint the exact cause of the pain, perform a professional examination and prescribe the right treatment that will surely help and save you from suffering.

The removed wisdom tooth hurts. What to do?

After the wisdom tooth has been torn out, the pain will still disturb for some time (for each person, this process proceeds individually). The following steps can help relieve pain:

  • Applying ice . It will help reduce bleeding and relieve pain.
  • The use of medicines . Be sure to follow the course of treatment that your dentist has prescribed for you. If it does not help, then you need to consult a specialist and ask him to prescribe more effective medications.
  • Treatment with folk remedies . Rinsing with various decoctions, as well as salt and soda, will help reduce pain, remove pus and stop bleeding that has begun.

If the pain is accompanied by symptoms such as high fever, growing swelling of the gums and / or cheeks, headache, etc., then it is urgent to go to the doctor to clarify the causes of these phenomena and prescribe the correct treatment.

Wisdom teeth are the most problematic and insidious, they have nothing to do with the chewing process, but they cause a lot of trouble and pain. The pain of wisdom teeth should not be ignored. the consequences can be dire and unpredictable.

Anna - March 29, 2015

There was also such a situation when wisdom teeth climbed out. The pain was tolerable, but as if aching, and of course caused discomfort. But I endured and there were no complications. Didn't take any painkillers. But some people have to remove and cut. I advise you, if the tooth hurts unbearably, then go to the doctor, because this can lead to complications, which then only the operation will correct. And if the doctor already says that everything is in order, then just rinse your mouth with some kind of disinfectant solution.

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