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Why do teeth hurt under a crown and what to do at home?

April 1, 2015 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Crowning is one of the most popular types of dental operations, which provides aesthetics and restores the function of the tooth . When under the crown, put more than a month ago, there was a feeling of pain, you need to urgently go to the doctor. In this article, you will learn what to do if a tooth under a crown hurts a lot.

Causes of pain

If a tooth hurts under the crown, then the cause may be:

  • incomplete procedures for nerve removal, cleaning and filling;
  • inflammation of an existing nerve;
  • root canal damage;
  • inaccurately selected crown size;
  • poor quality crown material;
  • crown wear;
  • careless oral care.

Pain relief at home

The most correct way to eliminate pain is a visit to the dentist. But if it is not possible to visit a doctor, then you can temporarily use some methods that will alleviate the painful condition. These include rinsing with baking soda, sage, calendula, chamomile, oak bark, St. John's wort, furatsilin. Procedures should be performed up to 6 times a day.

You can use hydrogen peroxide to rinse or apply to the tooth from a gauze pad moistened with a 3% solution of the product. For several hours, a rinse prepared from 150-200 ml of novocaine, fresh egg white and one teaspoon of sea salt will relieve pain.

Another way is small pieces of dry calamus root, which are placed on the tooth or chewed. For severe pain, an infusion of calamus root is used: it is kept in the mouth for about 20 minutes.

Additionally, you can apply acupressure:

  • between the lower part of the nose and the center of the upper lip;
  • on the nail of the index finger of the hand on the side of which the diseased tooth is located;
  • on the bottom of the jaw.

Folk remedies are not designed for a long-term effect. Qualified assistance will be provided only by a doctor, eliminating the cause of the pain.

Complications with pain under the crown

If you postpone visiting a doctor, and the pain under the crown does not subside, then a flux may form, in which tooth mobility occurs.

The advanced stage of the flux is a fistula under the crown, which is accompanied by swelling of the cheeks and gums (due to the rapid production of pus) and fever.

A complication of pain in the tooth can also be the appearance of a cyst in the upper part of the root, which is treated for a very long time, and in certain cases it is necessary to remove the tooth.


To determine the diagnosis that causes toothache, you need to perform an x-ray examination. In case of inflammation of the nerve (pulpitis), the crown is removed, the proper treatment is carried out, then the prosthesis is restored.

If there are shortcomings in the filling of the root canals, then the crown is also removed. It will take about 2 months to remove the focus of inflammation. For the greatest effect, the doctor may prescribe a course of physiotherapy. Only after that is crown prosthetics performed. In most cases, the tooth is saved.

Removal of the flux or cyst is carried out with the opening of the crown and subsequent treatment to eliminate the infectious environment. Depending on the condition of the tooth, the question of its preservation will be decided.

In some cases, the operation is performed without removing the crown. For example, if the upper part of the root is affected, then access to it during the procedure is carried out through a drilled hole in the bone tissue. Treatment lasts no more than an hour.

So that a tooth with a crown does not cause concern, it is necessary to follow preventive measures: use toothpicks and dental floss, limit the use of sweets, do not chew nuts and, of course, thoroughly brush your teeth in the morning and evening.

Do I need to remove a crown if the tooth under it hurts?

If you take care of the oral cavity and visit the dentist regularly, then the tooth under the crown will be in perfect order.

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