Home / Teeth / Teeth whitening / Laser teeth whitening: what is it, pros and cons

What is laser teeth whitening?

February 5, 2017 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

From the article you will learn: what is laser teeth whitening , the pros and cons of this procedure, indications and contraindications.

For many centuries, people have tried to get a snow-white smile, using various means. Before the appearance of the possibility of teeth whitening in the walls of the dental office, folk methods were used, many of which are used at home and today. Experiments are being made with professional products without consulting a dentist, for example, whitening strips, gels, which is dangerous for the health of teeth and gums.

There are external factors that affect the color of the enamel, and internal - deeper changes. External factors are the intake of foods and drinks containing natural dyes, smoking. Internal - discoloration with age, genetic predisposition, exposure to chemical elements that are contained in a number of drugs, high fluorine content in water.

Laser teeth cleaning is the fastest, most effective, safest means of achieving a snow-white smile in a clinic. As a result, the client receives a stable visible result for a long time. The color becomes lighter by 8-9 tones through their natural cleansing, removing plaque and stone.

Indications and contraindications

Before the operation, the patient undergoes a mandatory examination. A contraindication may be an allergic reaction to using pastes, gels. If there is no allergy, then the program is selected by the doctor in accordance with the individual indicators of the client. The result will be influenced by the origin and type of pigmentation.

On the one hand, the laser beam has a bactericidal effect, on the other hand, after cleansing, the risk of diseases increases with improper postoperative care. Compared to chemical cleaning, it is the safest. For patients with thin and sensitive enamel, this is not the main contraindication to the operation. The effect after the procedure is visible immediately, but after a couple of days the maximum result is achieved in 1-2 visits to the clinic.

The resulting enamel tone is preserved for a long time with proper oral hygiene at a professional level. Pigment spots are eliminated, the color becomes much lighter. If the client does not have bad habits, he does not drink coffee, tea, then the whiteness will remain for a longer period.

The patient does not feel pain during the procedure, so anesthesia is not done. Aftercare does not require the use of special brushes, pastes and other oral hygiene products. It is enough to provide regular, stable oral care.

How is the procedure

At the first stage, a hygienic cleaning of the teeth is carried out using a fluoride-free paste. A retractor is placed to isolate the oral cavity. The gums are covered with soft rollers, a protective gel is applied to the open areas so that the bleaching agent does not damage the mucous membrane. The teeth are then covered with a whitening paste that contains hydrogen peroxide. Each tooth is processed at a right angle for 2-3 minutes with a diode laser. Under its action, oxygen atoms are released, they penetrate deep into the dentin, the spots are split at the molecular level.

The procedure can be repeated 1-2 more times if necessary, if the client does not feel any discomfort, there is no risk of harm. Lasts for 25-45 minutes and is limited to a few paste and laser treatments.

Harm and benefit of laser whitening

Preoperative comprehensive cleaning of the oral cavity removes plaque and calculus, thereby reducing the risk of developing diseases. When processed with a paste and a laser, colored plaque and a thin layer of enamel are removed, which causes increased sensitivity, pain from taking hot, cold food.

The lost layer of enamel is restored for a long time. To speed up the process, you will need to saturate the body with many vitamins, therefore, after whitening, a balanced diet is essential. Doctors additionally prescribe vitamins and minerals that help the body make up for their deficiency.

The side effects of the laser whitening method are much less than others. Chemical cleansing is more negatively reflected in the enamel. In patients after laser cleaning, the gums do not bleed. But the cost of such an operation is many times more expensive.

Given the greater importance for the patient of the health of teeth and gums than the presence of a snow-white smile, dentists offer oral sanitation, preventive cleaning, but not laser whitening. The effect of such procedures is not so clearly visible, but the enamel becomes lighter by 2-4 tones.

For lovers of coloring drinks and in the presence of bad habits, doctors do not advise doing this procedure, as the enamel will turn yellow again in about 6-8 months. If the patient quit smoking, poor dental care, then the procedure will give the desired effect, help get rid of artificial plaque.

Proper care of whitened teeth will include not only using a toothbrush, but also flossing. To maintain whiteness, it is recommended to do cleaning in the clinic once a year for prevention. Thus, a snow-white smile will last as long as possible.

Before the main operation, it is necessary to carry out a complete sanitation of the oral cavity, cure all diseases, after which you can proceed to the procedure. As a result, minor and not prolonged pains may occur when taking hot and cold food, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. For some, painful sensations and hypersensitivity persist for a long time.

Laser whitening is the most technologically advanced, safe method compared to others. With the right necessary control of a professional dentist, it is possible to minimize the negative effect. In this case, it will be enough for the patient to take care of his snow-white smile every day and visit the dental clinic once a year.

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