Home / Teeth / Hygiene and prevention / How to care for your teeth during pregnancy

Prevention of oral diseases in pregnant women

January 21, 2017 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

The article provides information: prevention of oral diseases in pregnant women, how to care for teeth during pregnancy.

Pregnancy completely changes a woman's life, affecting the mental sphere, health, immunity. Due to hormonal changes, immunity is weakened, microorganisms begin to multiply intensively. This is especially true of the teeth and oral cavity.

So, if a woman has caries during pregnancy, then it will form several times faster than usual. This can lead to periodontitis , where inflammation leaves the tooth and spreads to nearby areas, and pulpitis , where the dental nerve becomes inflamed. This condition is dangerous because the infection can be transmitted to the baby.

The body uses a huge amount of resources in order to bear the child and form its organs and systems. For the development of the skeleton, many minerals are needed - fluorine, phosphorus, calcium and others. In case of their shortage, the body takes these substances from the teeth and bones of a pregnant woman. This leads to the active development of caries, bone fragility.

For these reasons, it is extremely important to monitor the condition of the oral cavity and take preventive measures to prevent the development of dental diseases.

How to take care of your health during pregnancy

How to take care of your health during pregnancyFirst of all, you need to visit the dentist regularly. It is timely examinations that are the main preventive measure.

It is also required to carry out sanitation, which is the cure of all currently existing diseases, and professional cleaning of the teeth. Sanitation is required before pregnancy.

While carrying a child, you will definitely have to follow proper nutrition. If the baby's body lacks any substances, then his health begins to deteriorate. You should visit an obstetrician-gynecologist so that he paints the principles of a healthy diet during pregnancy.

It is necessary to walk every day in the fresh air, as oxygen has a positive effect on the condition of the expectant mother and her child. It is also required by all means to avoid stress and nervous shocks, since this directly affects the formation of the jaw and teeth and the baby .

Prevention of dental diseases

Prevention of dental diseases

During pregnancy, body hygiene and, in particular, the oral cavity deserves special attention.

To brush your teeth, it is best to purchase a special paste with a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. Brushing your teeth is required in the morning and in the evening, at least 3-4 minutes. A light massage of the gums will increase blood circulation in them.

The most common dental disease during pregnancy is gingivitis . It is a swelling of the gums, which become looser. In this condition, you should immediately visit the dentist.

To prevent dental diseases, a number of preventive actions are required:

  1. Use daily mouth rinses that kill germs and bacteria in your mouth. They are divided into alcoholic and non-alcoholic, and it is the latter option that is suitable for pregnant women. In addition, rinses are of several types: fluoride (against the formation of caries), with herbal extracts (in the presence of small inflammations), with cetylperidium chloride (with significant inflammation and the presence of plaque), with a strong antiseptic (with pus, abscess).
  2. Sage, chamomile and oak bark have an antibacterial effect, so it is useful to rinse the mouth with decoctions of these herbs.
  3. It is recommended to alternate toothpastes that contain calcium and fluoride. They have a strengthening effect on the teeth.
  4. After three months, you need to buy a new toothbrush.
  5. It is worth starting to regularly use creams that help strengthen the gums.
  6. An irrigator is useful , which, by means of a strong water jet, is able to remove food debris stuck between the teeth.
  7. Often pregnant women suffer from vomiting, which leads to erosion of the enamel in the form of white spots. The fact is that the composition of vomiting contains hydrochloric acid, as a result of which it has an increased acidity. To solve this problem, after each cleaning of the oral cavity, it is necessary to apply remineralizing gels applied to the teeth.
  8. If the dentist advised to carry out professional cleaning , you should listen to his recommendations. This procedure should be carried out in the second trimester of the pregnancy period.
  9. In addition, the dentist may recommend remineralizing therapy, which improves the resistance of tooth enamel to adverse environmental influences.
  10. As for dental tapes and flosses, their use during pregnancy is desirable, since these products thoroughly clean the gaps between the teeth and their surfaces. For this reason, they are classified as preventive measures - they successfully prevent the formation of caries, tartar and periodontal pockets.
  11. Interdental brushes are useful for the prevention of many diseases, but they can only be used when there is space between the teeth, otherwise the interdental papilla will be injured.

In the event that a pregnant woman has bad breath (halitosis), it is necessary to consult a dentist. You should not try to disguise it using chewing gums and rinses, as this will not solve the problem - a correct diagnosis and proper treatment are required.

If problems with teeth during pregnancy could not be avoided, then immediately after childbirth, you should not try to put them in order through aesthetic dentistry. It is necessary to first consult with a dentist who has observed the state of the oral cavity during pregnancy.

Thus, pregnant women need to pay special attention to the health of their teeth. It is extremely important that by the time the child is born they are completely healthy, as this affects the condition of the baby.

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