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How to treat erosion of tooth enamel?

August 5, 2017 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Erosion of tooth enamel is one of the most common ailments. Pathology is the destruction of enamel of non-carious origin. In the process of this disease, if nothing is done, the enamel will gradually wear off. This defect is not only cosmetic. This is a serious disease in the field of dental practice, which is important to notice in time and conduct a course of therapy. Otherwise, the tooth enamel can be completely erased - there will be a strong sensitivity of the teeth, and in the end they can simply collapse.

What causes pathology?

The disease develops gradually, while a person may not even realize that something is wrong with the enamel. First, the very first layer begins to collapse, while the sensitivity of the teeth increases, it becomes painful for a person to drink cold and hot - pains of a piercing nature are felt. Sometimes there are unpleasant sensations during oral hygiene, namely, brushing your teeth. Erosion of tooth enamel is characterized by the fact that the enamel itself fades, defects are formed on it, which can have an oval or round shape. Basically, they are located on the most convex places of the tooth.

Due to the fact that in the early stages the pathology proceeds imperceptibly, it does not cause much discomfort, dentists recommend undergoing regular examinations in the dental office. So it will be possible to recognize the disease in time and quickly eliminate it, until it has caused significant damage to the tooth enamel.

Classification of the disease

Consider the course of the disease depending on its degrees:

  1. The first is that erosion extends exclusively to the upper layer.
  2. The second - gradually the enamel is affected throughout the depth, the process can reach the dentin.
  3. The third is a complete defeat of both enamel and dentin.

To determine the degree of damage to the enamel, as well as to prescribe therapy, only an experienced dentist after examination can. Therefore, at the first deviations from the norm, it is advisable to immediately contact a specialist.

Erosion of tooth enamel: causes

It is noteworthy that the pathology has not yet been fully studied by specialists. Therefore, there is no consensus on the causes of the development of the disease. There are three main factors that contribute to the formation of pathology:

  1. Enamel is damaged due to the negative effects of chemical elements. That is, pathology develops if a person consumes too many products containing irritants of chemical origin. These are soda, sour fruits and marinades, all kinds of dressings, etc. If the enamel is constantly exposed to an acidic environment, then it gradually begins to break down. Micro-cracks are formed, and they become the main cause of the formation of erosion of tooth enamel.
  2. Mechanical damage. As a rule, this phenomenon occurs if a person uses toothpastes with abrasive particles to brush their teeth. In general, dentists do not recommend brushing your teeth too intensively, and even more so with the use of tooth powders, because. the enamel becomes thinner, it becomes sensitive. This may well serve as an impetus that will provoke the formation of erosion.
  3. endocrine disorders. If a person has an unstable hormonal background, or problems with the endocrine system, this can cause the formation of pathology due to the fact that the enamel becomes very soft.

By what symptoms can the disease be identified?

The very first and obvious symptom is the tarnishing of the enamel. Experts have their own method for detecting pathology, we will consider it in detail.

The surface of the tooth is dried with a powerful jet of air - this allows you to identify damaged areas. Also, an iodine solution can be applied to the site - the place where there is erosion will turn brown-yellow.

At first, the pathology looks like an oval or round focus, which has a smooth and shiny bottom. Over time, if the disease is not treated, this focus completely replaces the enamel, and dentin is also exposed. In the initial stages, this defect will have a whitish color, over time it becomes brown.

If the erosion of tooth enamel is just beginning to develop, discomfort and pain may be completely absent. Over time, when brushing your teeth, eating hot or cold food (drinks), unpleasant sensations appear.


Almost always, therapy is a complex and lengthy process. Depending on the degree of development of erosion, the methods of its treatment may differ - the tactics should be selected by the doctor.

If erosion is just beginning to emerge, a procedure called remineralization will be enough. The therapy should include at least 15 procedures (they must be carried out every day). The doctor applies solutions containing calcium and fluorine to the surface. Thanks to such actions, pigmentation of damaged areas of enamel can be eliminated.

If the erosion of tooth enamel is at the 2nd or 3rd stage, then in addition to remineralization, a filling is also required. It is necessary to carry out sealing only after the patient has completed remineralization courses completely, otherwise the seal will not hold on loose tissue.

The same applies to the advanced stages of erosion - if filling is abandoned, harmful microbes and bacteria will multiply on the damaged enamel, which can provoke the appearance of caries.

If the enamel is very badly damaged - in this case, doctors offer restoration using veneers or crowns .

Preventive measures

Erosion of tooth enamel is a pathology that does not occur as a result of a lack of oral hygiene, but due to the fact that a person brushes his teeth too intensively and often using abrasive products. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to choose a toothpaste without microparticles, but with a fluorine content, as well as a good, soft toothbrush.

Avoid excessive consumption of carbonated drinks, too sour or salty foods - all these factors negatively affect the condition of tooth enamel. If you really like sour drinks - you can drink them through a straw, this will save your teeth from destruction.

And finally, do not forget about preventive examinations at the dentist. This will allow timely detection of pathology and quickly eliminate it.

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