Home / Pediatric dentistry / Yellow teeth in a child: causes and ways to restore whiteness

Yellowing of teeth in children: causes and ways to restore whiteness

January 8, 2016 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Everyone loves healthy and white teeth. Therefore, some parents are worried when their children develop a yellow coating. This happens for many reasons, all of which are fairly common. Discoloration appears both outside and inside the tooth, and each case has its own methods of treatment.

It is important to remember that teeth in children turn yellow for the same reasons as in adults. The color change on the outside depends on the food the children eat. Causes of intrinsic discoloration include trauma, fluorosis, and dentin damage. In most cases, the problem can be solved at an appointment with a dentist or at home.

Causes of yellowing of teeth in children?

It is rather sad for any parent to notice one day that the child's teeth began to turn yellow. Below are the most common causes of this issue.




This disease develops if the child's body before the appearance of the first teeth receives a lot of fluoride compounds. These compounds damage the enamel cells, and the teeth become pale yellow.


This antibiotic can leave yellow stains and streaks on your teeth because it destroys certain cells. But most doctors try not to prescribe this medicine to children.

Tooth injury

When only one tooth turns yellow or brown, it is likely that it has received some kind of injury. Damage can affect the tooth itself or its nerve. In such cases, you should immediately consult a dentist.

Food and drink

Some foods may stain your teeth. These foods include soda, soy sauce, and fruit drinks. The more often the child uses them, the more pronounced yellowing. The effect can be mitigated if the child is taught to rinse his mouth with plain water after eating such food or drinks.

Poor oral hygiene

The child should brush his teeth twice a day to avoid the appearance of yellowness. Over time, plaque can change the color of your teeth.

For more information about the causes of yellowing teeth and how to deal with this problem, read on.

How can I get my child's teeth whiter?

  • Visit a dentist. All children should see a dentist when they are 1 year old. And if you want your child's teeth to become white again, make an appointment with the dentist. He will give the necessary recommendations and find a solution to the problem (read also " Child's first visit to the dentist ")
  • Observe oral hygiene. Your child should brush their teeth twice a day with a small amount of fluoride toothpaste. You should also teach him to rinse his mouth thoroughly. And for this it is not necessary that all the teeth come out of the child! As soon as the first teeth appear, you can teach your child to hygiene.
  • Book your child for a professional cleaning. Remember that daily brushing is not enough and you need to visit a dental clinic to remove tartar and deposits. Such formations change the color of the teeth, and simple brushing will not cope with them.
  • Use bleach tapes. Look for whitening tapes for children or discuss this procedure with your dentist. Usually such bleaching is harmless, but it is better to get the approval of a dentist who knows the situation and the condition of your child's teeth. Note: In some cases, insurance covers these procedures.

Is teeth whitening safe for children?

If the child has not yet developed molars, then there is no need for bleaching. But is this procedure harmful to permanent teeth? In most cases, children should not use bleach products, as the amount of peroxide in them can do more harm than good. And when the enamel is damaged, the yellowness can no longer be removed, since the top layer of the tooth is not restored! In any case, be sure to consult your doctor about such issues.

Proper dental care

  • Maintain oral hygiene. The best way to avoid yellowing of teeth is prevention. The child should brush and rinse their teeth twice a day after drinking sugary and colored drinks, tea, soy sauce, etc. Remember that it is better for the child to use a soft brush, and do not forget to clean the gums and tongue.
  • Don't let your baby fall asleep with a bottle. If the baby is still bottle feeding, do not let him fall asleep with it and use it if he is accustomed to non-spill mugs.
  • Do not allow smoking near the child. Do not let anyone smoke near the child. This is harmful to health and in particular to the teeth.
  • Avoid sugar. Do not add sweets to pacifiers.
  • Be careful with foods that contain fluoride. Make sure your child is getting enough fluoride, but don't overdo it! In many places, these compounds are added to drinking water. Even more fluoride can be obtained from toothpaste. And that's enough for a child. Some experts recommend using a small amount of fluoride paste and not rinsing your mouth after brushing. Fluorine compounds will continue their work. But if the child doesn't like it, then you can buy a fluoride rinse that will give the same effect.

To learn more about proper brushing technique, as well as how to teach your child to brush their teeth, watch this video:

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