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Prevention of oral diseases

March 27, 2017 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Prevention of oral diseases is based on hygiene, since most problems arise due to the abundance of microbes. The preventive measures are:

  • morning and evening brushing teeth with paste;
  • cleansing with a wet brush the gums, tongue and inner surface of the cheeks;
  • keeping the toothbrush clean;
  • the use of effective pastes (based on herbs or minerals);
  • the use of flosses (special threads) for interdental spaces;
  • rinsing teeth with antibacterial elixirs Sensodine, Lacalut, Colgate, Forest Balsam.

Common oral diseases and their prevention

Common oral diseases and their prevention

Dental diseases (caries, gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, mechanical tooth decay, and others) are divided into two categories, which differ in internal and external causes.

The first type develops as a result of problems with the internal organs and systems of the body: the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine glands, blood circulation, and the immune system. External causes are injuries, smoking, use of antibiotics or other potent drugs without medical advice.

To exclude the development of diseases in the oral cavity, it is necessary to treat diseases of the internal organs in a timely manner, to minimize bad habits: the abuse of smoking, alcoholic beverages, irritating food; chewing tobacco, cracking nuts with teeth. It is necessary to find an alternative of equal sympathy for them, perhaps unexpected, from the category of emotional, creative, food, which involve the brain, hands, mouth.

Prevention of stomatitis

Comprehensive measures to prevent stomatitis (inflammatory process of the oral mucosa) include:

  • regular and timely visits to the dentist;
  • reduction in the diet of sweet, starchy, sticky;
  • hardening of the body;
  • to give up smoking.

Prevention of periodontal disease

Gum disease (periodontal disease) will be bypassed if you massage them daily. This procedure is performed in the evening after oral hygiene and is aimed at improving blood flow to the gums, nourishing the tissues of the gums and teeth. During massage, you can rub useful substances: honey, sea salt.

You need to massage with your thumb and forefinger, grabbing the gum from both sides. Lightly pressing on the upper gum with both fingers, you should perform vertical movements with them. In one area, the first and last movement of the fingers should be from top to bottom (and so on along the entire length). Similarly, the massage of the lower gums is done with the direction of the fingers on the contrary - from the bottom up.

Protection against mechanical damage

The oral mucosa consists of very delicate and delicate tissues of the human body. Prevention of scratches and punctures are measures:

  • removal of destroyed and treatment of teeth affected by caries;
  • giving roundness to pointed edges in the dentition;
  • getting rid of bad habits (smoking, biting the mucous membrane from the inside);
  • replacement of worn dentures;
  • do not injure the oral cavity with too cold or hot drinks and foods.

Protection against oral cancer

Such problems can occur in older men. Prevention consists of reviewing bad habits: especially smoking pipes, cigarettes, unfiltered cigarettes, frequent drinking, hot and spicy food.

Do not stay in direct sunlight for a long time. It is necessary to include foods high in vitamins in the diet. You should immediately consult a doctor if you suspect a hormonal imbalance:

  1. weight loss or rapid weight gain;
  2. temperature slightly above normal, but not falling;
  3. profuse sweating;
  4. abnormally increased body hair growth;
  5. trembling of the fingers;
  6. unreasonable at first glance nervousness; 
  7. chronic insomnia;
  8. interruptions in the work of the heart.

Proper Care

Common oral diseases and their prevention

According to dentists, only careful and competent dental care helps a person to prevent a number of oral diseases.

When brushing your teeth, you should not forget about hard-to-reach places, move the brush from the base of the tooth to its final part, the procedure should be carried out for at least 3 minutes, not 32 seconds, as statistics from a population survey show. After brushing the teeth, the oral cavity is rinsed with a hygienic agent.

Proper dental care involves brushing your teeth after every meal. If this is not possible (for example, not at home), then you need to rinse your mouth several times. At the same time, you can use toothpicks only in extreme cases, when there is confidence that the gum will not be affected.

An adult brush should be of medium hardness with a complex bristle contour so that it can penetrate into the furthest corners of the dentition. You also need to take good care of your dentures. For diseased gums, you need to purchase a soft toothbrush.

The ideal oral care option is to use the irrigator after brushing your teeth. This appliance effectively and quickly removes plaque and tiny food particles with a pressurized water jet. The irrigator is very convenient and useful for cleaning fixed dentures, crowded teeth, periodontal pockets on inflamed gums.

Water massage, which teeth and gums receive when using the device, improves blood circulation in the tissues of the gums, preventing their disease. When choosing an irrigator, it is necessary to take into account the types of nozzles included in the kit.

To strengthen tooth enamel, doctors recommend using varnishes and gels containing fluoride for coating, fluoridated salt for rinsing, and a fluorine solution as an additive to drinking water.

Plaque removal is facilitated by adding a small amount of soda to toothpaste, alternating tooth powder and paste, professional teeth cleaning at the dentist. Minor plaque can be removed with a fluoride or whitening toothpaste. It is useful to change the pastes so as not to damage the enamel with active agents.

Toothpastes to strengthen the gums have antiseptic properties, contain medicinal herbs and vitamins, eliminate bleeding and inflammation, improve the quality of the periodontal tissues (periodontium), and refresh the oral cavity.

Elixirs and conditioners have healing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, regenerating properties.

healthy eating

Common oral diseases and their prevention

The presence of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet helps to cope with plaque on the enamel and germs on the gums. In addition, vitamins strengthen the immune system and resist the development of diseases, including dental ones. Gums will be strong and healthy if you eat carrots, sorrel, lettuce, lingonberries, apples, black currants.

In order to avoid problems with teeth, you need to introduce lemon, greens, dandelion leaves and nettle leaves into the diet as salads and soups, radish, kohlrabi; cowberry, rowan, birch juices.

You should not often eat sweet, overly sour, salty foods, tea, coffee. It is necessary to abandon fast food as soon as possible, as they contain chemicals and dyes that are detrimental to enamel.

By following these rules, you can significantly reduce the risk of serious oral diseases.

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