Home / Teeth / Teeth whitening / Teeth whitening Zoom 3: reviews, before and after photos

Teeth whitening Zoom 3: what is it, indications, contraindications

March 10, 2017 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Zoom 3 is a modern technique for safe and effective photo-whitening of teeth, developed by Philips specialists from the USA. In previous Zoom 1 and 2 systems, the composition of the special gel was not perfect, as it increased the risk of tooth enamel destruction.

According to the new Zoom 3 method, the composition of the bleaching agent contains carbamide peroxide, which does not adversely affect the enamel layer.

How it works

Teeth whitening by several tones occurs due to the influence of ultraviolet rays. This releases oxygen, which dissolves the pigment. The presence of calcium phosphate in the gel maintains the integrity of tooth enamel.


Teeth whitening using the Zoom 3 method will give the desired result when:

  • dark color of natural enamel (yellow, gray and their shades);
  • acquired darkening of the enamel as a result of frequent smoking and drinking coffee, black tea;
  • discoloration during the use of drugs based on tetracycline and fluorine;
  • dark spots on the surface of the teeth, which is a consequence of the disease of the body;
  • uneven color of the enamel.


Zoom system is not allowed to be used in the following cases:

  1. taking a course of taking drugs that increase photosensitivity;
  2. minor age;
  3. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  4. the presence of a sewn-in pacemaker;
  5. dental diseases;
  6. allergies to the components of the bleaching composition;
  7. epilepsy and mental illness;
  8. tendency to gag reflex;
  9. carried out light and photochemical therapy;
  10. oncological neoplasms.

In addition, at the discretion of the dentist, the patient may have contraindications that are not listed in the list provided, or a dubious case in which it is necessary to secure the test.


The advantages of the Zoom 3 whitening technique, supported by patient reviews, are:

  • getting excellent results in one session;
  • lightening the shade by 8-12 tones;
  • the most gentle whitening technology with the effect of strengthening the enamel;
  • successful use in difficult cases (darkening of teeth from taking antibiotics of the tetracycline group and from excess fluoride in the body);
  • successful whitening even in the most advanced cases;
  • comfort sensations during the procedure;
  • no damage and thinning of the enamel;
  • perfect smoothness of the enamel, which reduces the possibility of plaque accumulation;
  • the minimum number of contraindications;
  • high stability with a guarantee of preservation for 5 years.


One of the main components of the success of the method can be called the maximum combination of the technological installation and reagents, as a result of which the gel fully exhibits its beneficial effects. This is possible only thanks to a carefully built chain in the process of developing a method using instruments, substances and related devices from a single manufacturer.

Zoom 3's advanced design, unlike previous technologies, includes a built-in spectral lamp, which makes it impossible to replace it to increase safety and efficiency. Thus, the installation has a strictly limited service life and is protected from the costs associated with wear and tear of the equipment.

The most thoughtful composition of the gel contains an extremely low concentration of hydrogen peroxide for bleaching in a gentle mode.

The gel is stored in a patented system of two components, each of which is in a separate syringe.

How is it carried out

With the correct implementation of the technique:

  • the patient does not experience pain;
  • gums and oral mucosa are protected from damage by a specially applied composition;
  • choosing the most suitable shade will give the natural whiteness of the enamel.


Zoom whitening, you must undergo:

  1. treatment and prevention of diseases of the oral cavity;
  2. professional teeth cleaning;
  3. a preliminary weekly course of enamel mineralization in order to protect it.


The whole procedure, including preliminary manipulations, takes approximately two hours. Whitening takes place in a certain sequence. The dentist determines the initial color of the enamel and in accordance with this offers the patient a really suitable shade.

Then the lips and oral mucosa are treated with a protective agent, fixed with a retractor (a tool for providing access to the procedure site). Next, a quick hardening composition is applied to the gums for safety. In order not to harm the organs of vision from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the patient wears special glasses.

The gel is applied to the enamel in an even thin layer and the included photolamp is directed at it. After 15 minutes, the gel is washed off, a new composition is applied and two more of the same 15-minute procedures are carried out. After whitening is completed, the teeth are covered with a special tool to reduce tooth sensitivity.

Doctor's recommendations

After the procedure, the enamel is in a state of hypersensitivity for several days. Therefore, the dentist warns of a temporary ban on cold and hot foods, sweet and sour foods.

To maintain the result for several days, you should not smoke and consume foods and drinks with dyes (chocolate, beets, coffee, dark berries and drinks from them, red wine, coffee, black tea).

It is necessary to follow the rules for maintaining whitened teeth, then you will not have to undergo the procedure again. With repeated clarification, as a result of a careless attitude to the procedure, complications may arise: unnatural whiteness of the teeth, increased sensitivity, and a decrease in the quality of the enamel.

Deciding to whiten, the patient should take care of the acquired beauty, using only high-quality hygiene products, once a year professional teeth cleaning, do not abuse coffee and cigarettes.  

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