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Treatment of a diseased tooth at home

May 7, 2015 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Toothache is a very unpleasant phenomenon, which tends to appear at the most inopportune moment. Of course, the occurrence of any pain in the oral cavity is a signal that it is time to visit the dentist and as soon as possible. However, this is not always possible, and in such cases it is recommended to try to cure the tooth yourself at home.

The most common way to treat toothache

Severe pain most often occurs as a result of contact of the affected surface of the tooth with pieces of food, so the first step is to stop eating and try to get the stuck dietary fibers with a toothpick.

A good and proven remedy is rinsing the mouth with a specially prepared solution of soda or salt, and the more of one of these ingredients, the better. Since the sensitivity of the teeth in this state is too high, it is necessary to take water to prepare the solution at room temperature. An effective antiseptic is infusions of sage, chamomile and oak bark, which can be used if there is no soda or salt in the house.

The final step is to take some pain medication in the form of analgin, aspirin or ibufen, while the dosage must strictly comply with the instructions. If there are no tablets in the house, you can replace them with valocordin, when a cotton pad soaked in it is applied to the area of ​​localization of painful sensations.

How to cure the initial stage of caries on your own

Despite the formidable and frightening name "caries", its initial stage is not particularly dangerous, since the enamel of the teeth has minor damage. That is why the further development of this process can be successfully suspended without visiting the dentist's office, but only if certain rules and recommendations are observed:

  • daily brushing of teeth after each meal, while preference should be given to a paste that contains calcium and fluoride;
  • a good folk remedy is laundry soap, which has a detrimental effect on fungi and infections of various origins. It is also used for the treatment of teeth, cleaning them with a specially prepared soap solution;
  • in the field of dentistry, there are many remedies for the treatment of damaged enamel, among which a special restoring gel has a good effect. A small amount is applied to the aching tooth and kept for a short time;
  • An important role in human health is played by proper nutrition , on which the condition of the teeth depends. To rid the tooth of the initial stage of caries, it is recommended to use foods with a high content of vitamin D, as well as those enriched with calcium. Sprouted grains have a unique effect, among which it is better to give preference to wheat.

Folk recipes for relieving toothache

Of course, taking painkillers is a quick and effective remedy for toothache, but you should not abuse them and, if possible, it is advisable to use folk remedies that do not have any negative effect on the body:

  • a good remedy for the treatment of toothache is propolis, pieces of which are recommended to be applied to the sore spot. Propolis helps not only to eliminate the source of pain, but also promotes healing and restoration of the whole organism. Since propolis is a waste product of bees, it should be used with caution to prevent the development of an allergic reaction;
  • a compress made from such improvised means as onions, garlic and a little salt is considered simple and effective. Vegetables are thoroughly ground until a thick slurry is formed, to which salt is added. This folk remedy is applied to the damaged tooth in such a way that the part falls into the resulting carious cavity;
  • an oregano-based solution, which is used to rinse the mouth, also helps to alleviate the condition of a diseased tooth. To prepare it, it is recommended to pour 10 grams of oregano into 100 ml of boiling water and insist until it reaches room temperature. You can use this remedy after each meal for several days until all pain is completely removed;
  • alcohol is considered a good antiseptic and its use for rinsing teeth helps not only to relieve pain, but also to disinfect the oral cavity. A small amount of alcohol-containing liquid is kept on the diseased tooth for several minutes, after which the vodka is spit out;
  • The body is a single whole and therefore massage of various parts of the body is well suited to relieve toothache. With the help of a piece of ice, you can massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm between the thumb and forefinger, and the hand should be opposite to the diseased tooth. A proven tool is the massage of the auricle, which must be performed on the ear, located on the side of the diseased tooth.

All these methods can relieve or relieve pain for a certain time, but they cannot completely heal the tooth. Therefore, at the first opportunity, it is necessary to visit a dental office in order to find out the causes of the pain and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Ivanov - August 31, 2016

I always keep in the household - at hand a tincture of propolis on alcohol.
It is necessary to drip on a bad tooth, it is advisable to get into a hollow. Very helpful!

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