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If the dentist is far away, and the tooth hurts ...

November 1, 2015 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Surely it happened that a toothache took you by surprise, and it does not matter where you were at the same time - at home, at work or on the road. No one is immune from this, but still, what to do if it is not possible to get the help of a qualified doctor? Of course, you can drink a couple of painkillers and hope that they will help muffle the pain and not harm your health, or you can use folk remedies. But in this case, another question arises: what means to choose so that they do not harm the body?

What to do?

First you need to stop eating and clean the aching tooth from the remnants of food, then rinse the tooth with a solution of soda. In this case, the water should be at room temperature. If desired, you can add a little iodine to the solution.

Also, with a toothache, medicinal plants will become indispensable, especially if you are outside the city or in nature.

One of these plants is sage, the essential oils of which have a weak analgesic effect. You need to use it in the form of a decoction, for the preparation of which you need one tablespoon of sage per glass of water. Mix sage with water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Then let the broth brew and cool (it should be warm). After - strain and rinse the aching tooth every 15 minutes. This recipe will not remove the pain, but will weaken it.

You can also use oregano or a mixture of tinctures of valerian and calendula in equal proportions. A cotton wool is moistened with a solution and applied to the tooth, and the oregano is simply chewed. This method has the same effect as rinsing with sage.

With toothache, such a rather popular remedy as propolis is very effective, which helps not only to relieve toothache, but also to cope with many other diseases and strengthen the immune system.

There are also distracting and also quite popular remedies, such as hot pepper, which, due to the narrowing effect, will ease toothache. This method should be used only if you have healthy gums and no allergies, besides, it will not stop the pain, but only distract from it, so it is ineffective, as well as rubbing the tooth with garlic.

Quite good and quite effective are the methods of cooling and rinsing with alcohol. For cooling, you can take a piece of ice and massage the sore spot for several minutes. After this procedure, the pain should decrease.

To rinse with alcohol, you can take, for example, vodka, put a little in your mouth, disinfect your tooth and spit it out. The pain will calm down, but you need to remember that this method cannot be used for children.

But tinctures based on apple cider vinegar, as many people advise, are not recommended at all , because under the action of the acids they contain, tooth enamel is destroyed and the acid-base balance of the oral cavity is disturbed. And even if they help you, then in the future it will greatly affect the health of your teeth.

All the methods described are more or less effective, each in its own way, but none of them will replace your trip to the doctor.

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