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Can you brush your teeth with salt?

January 27, 2017 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

From the article you will learn about the benefits and harms of brushing your teeth with salt, as well as how to use it properly for oral hygiene.

The vast majority of people brush their teeth using toothpaste, but this tool has appeared not so long ago. In ancient times, oral hygiene was maintained in many other ways, such as brushing teeth with salt. However, even today, some fans of traditional medicine resort to this method.

Next, we will look at the pros and cons of this procedure, as well as how to cook salt-based pasta at home.

health benefits of salt

Salt began to be used for brushing teeth in the 17th century, as people noticed that it cleansed germs and plaque, as well as getting rid of bad breath.

Each type of salt contains in its composition fluorine, magnesium, calcium - all those substances found in modern toothpastes, but in their natural form. The largest amount of iodine can be found in sea salt.

The benefits of salt include:

  • salt kills germs;
  • the tissues located in the oral cavity have a positive effect;
  • teeth whitening occurs, since salt has an abrasive effect;
  • this tool prevents the formation of gingivitis, periodontal disease and caries;
  • it does not lead to allergies;
  • is affordable.

Cons of salt

So that salt does not harm the health and condition of the teeth, when cleaning them, you do not need to press on the brush with too much pressure. Otherwise, this will damage the enamel and cause pain in the gums.

The abrasive action of salt can cause the top layer of teeth to begin to thin. This can increase their sensitivity, and a person will experience discomfort with hot and cold dishes. Then caries will begin to form, more serious complications will arise, up to the loss of a tooth.

If you brush your teeth too hard with salt , then a lot of microtraumas will appear on the gums, which threatens with constant bleeding.

Thus, some dentists warn that the constant use of salt for brushing your teeth can do more harm than good. But it is worth noting that these problems will only arise if you brush your teeth too hard.

How to use mouth salt

Due to the fact that sea salt is the most saturated with iodine, it is recommended to use it for brushing your teeth. The tool should be fine grinding. With large crystals, it is better to grind it - for example, in a coffee grinder.

Before the procedure, you must wash your hands with soap and water, then pour salt on two fingers and lightly wipe your teeth on both sides with them. Another option is to put some salt on your tongue and rub it on your teeth, then rinse your mouth and repeat the procedure.

It will take a little time, and you will no longer experience discomfort when using salt. However, at first it is permissible to mix it with toothpaste.

After that, you need to start using a toothbrush. It needs to be soaked in water, pour a little means and clean the oral cavity. Then the mouth is rinsed.

Helpful Tip : To reduce the abrasive effect on tooth enamel, alternate the use of salt and a solution based on it, and also purchase a brush with soft bristles.

What else can be added to salt

One of the most popular options is clay . When added to salt, you can improve the health of the entire oral cavity. The fact is that clay is a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Various types of this remedy are suitable - for example, blue clay, pink or white. This procedure is able to have an excellent massaging effect on the teeth and gums, prevents the occurrence of periodontal disease and caries.

There are other useful substances that should be added to salt. These include the essential oil of cloves, mint or orange. This mixture will strengthen the gums and teeth, have a disinfecting effect and improve the general condition of the oral cavity.

Options for homemade pasta with salt:

  • Another healthy homemade pasta option is a mixture of salt, baking soda, olive oil, and eucalyptus leaves. It strengthens the roots of the teeth, helps to get rid of stones and plaque.
  • To improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of periodontal disease, you can make a paste of salt, ground red pepper and add some clay to it.
  • To strengthen the gums, prepare a mixture of roasted sea salt and chopped eggplant. And to get rid of tartar, a paste made from sea salt, banana peel, olive oil and pine needles extract is useful.


You can improve your health and improve the condition of your teeth by using cheap and readily available salt, if desired, adding other substances to it. However, it is recommended that you first visit a dentist and consult about this issue in order to exclude possible problems and complications.

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