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What to do if all the teeth hurt at once and the main causes of this disease

April 11, 2016 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Usually, toothache has its own localization, but occasionally there is a feeling that all the teeth hurt at once. This situation can appear for a number of different reasons, so you need to contact the doctor immediately. It is strictly forbidden to pull with a visit to the dentist, and even more so to self-medicate. Home remedies will reduce the pain, but will not remove the cause itself.

The first causes of pain in the teeth:

  1. Neuralgia provokes pain in the area of ​​​​the teeth. Sometimes a toothache becomes the cause of the inflammatory process of the trigeminal nerve.
  2. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is a pathology that leads to changes in muscle tone. With this disease, unpleasant pains in the jaw are noted, which occur when touched.
  3. Hypersensitivity and thinness of enamel.
  4. Problems related to the gums.
  5. Hypothermia gives a sensation of pain in the teeth. If there is no fever, it is worth steaming your feet in warm water, and if the temperature is elevated, drink plenty of milk with honey or tea with lemon.
  6. Salivary stone disease is manifested by a feeling of dryness in the mouth, which causes pain, and sometimes swelling of the submandibular region.
  7. Heart diseases. During angina pectoris, chest pain appears, which is given to the shoulder and arm, sometimes to the region of the lower jaw and teeth. The disease can cause myocardial infarction.
  8. Stressful situation. In this case, you need to relax, drink chamomile tinctures.

There are many reasons for whining teeth, while diseases are not necessarily associated with teeth, possible damage to other organs and systems. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after examining the patient. Possible variants of dental diseases that cause their pain are listed below.

Defeat by caries

One of the primary and important problems that cause pain in the teeth is caries. Hard tissues begin to collapse, become soft, holes appear. Initially, their size is small and they do not give any unpleasant symptoms. Gradually, the holes begin to increase, the dentin area is affected and pain occurs. Discomfort occurs during the use of excessively hot or cold food, sweet or sour. Pain does not occur on its own, it manifests itself only as a result of a reaction to an external stimulus. If you seek help, the pain syndrome will soon disappear.

If you do not eliminate caries in the first stage and remove the pain with drugs, over time it will hit a nerve that cannot be saved.


The soft tissue of the tooth that contains the nerves is called the pulp. There are a lot of nerves in this part, so the toothache is too strong. When the pulp is affected, the process of inflammation begins, the diagnosis is made - pulpitis. The main cause of this disease is caries in the advanced stage. Usually, with a disease, pain does not bother regularly and appears periodically. Pulpitis becomes a direct reason that all teeth hurt at once. Everyone experiences and perceives pain in their own way. Running pulpitis causes the development of periodontitis.


When the pulp dies, infectious inflammation passes from the tooth area to the periodontium. Because of this, unbearable pain sensations arise in the body, which eventually become stronger under the action on the tooth. If the problem is not eliminated, the pain will become continuous and pronounced. Sometimes the pain syndrome gives to the face. During the illness, the temperature may rise, pus is released from the tooth, and the lymph nodes also increase.

root cyst

A strong pain syndrome and reddening of the gums causes a root cyst - this is the formation on top of the tooth root. The disease is quite dangerous in that for a long time it may not show any symptoms. Some factors affect the enlargement of the cyst and the manifestation of the first symptoms of pain:

  • lowering the immune system;
  • colds;
  • stressful situations;
  • injury to the area of ​​the tooth.

There are times when teeth move due to a problem. It grows and destroys adjacent teeth. The most dangerous cyst is in the event of a rupture, as this can lead to blood poisoning. It is possible to diagnose a cyst in the early stages only with an x-ray. At the first stages, the disease is treated and the tooth is saved. It is important to visit the dentist regularly.


A well-known disease that is associated with difficult eruption of the wisdom tooth. Pericoronitis appears in 75% of cases with teething. Many modern people have little space for the eights to arise correctly and not disturb the person. Sometimes they remain in an inclined position or grow into the cheek or another tooth.

During improper eruption, a hood appears over the tooth. The far teeth are not cleaned properly, and therefore particles of food get stuck under the hood, which cause infection. All these effects cause inflammation in the body.

In the early stages of the disease, a person feels a slight aching pain, which becomes stronger with pressure. After 2-3 days, the pain intensifies, it is difficult for the patient to eat, sometimes there are difficulties with opening the mouth. If the problem has arisen on one side, it may seem that all the teeth in this area hurt.

If you do not turn to the doctor in a timely manner, the development of purulent pericoronitis is possible, this disease manifests itself with fever and severe pain that radiates in the ear and temple.

Other causes of toothache

Not always toothache is directly related to the disease of the oral cavity. There are other problems that are associated with other diseases. On examination by a doctor, you can find out that the teeth and gums are in good condition, then the problem lies elsewhere.

Otitis media

Widely known problem among children. A timely diagnosis can only be made after examining the child by an ENT doctor. In the case when bacteria penetrate the middle ear, an inflammatory process begins, fluid accumulates. During a problem with chewing teeth, pain is given to the oral cavity.

If the problem is left unattended, a person may experience hearing loss, in addition, otitis media leads to meningitis and encephalitis. These problems are fatal.


The problem is caused by inflammation in the sinuses of the upper jaw, as well as stagnation of mucus in them. During the disease, pain may appear in the eyes, head, teeth, bones. The disease affects both men and women in any age group. The most prone to this problem are young boys and girls. The causes of sinusitis are viruses, in addition, it causes symptoms:

  • runny nose;
  • smell disorder;
  • redness and swelling of the eyelids;
  • temperature;
  • nasal pains radiating to ear and temples.

During sinusitis, all teeth often begin to ache and hurt, this is due to the fact that the roots of the upper teeth are located near the maxillary sinuses. Because of this, soreness manifests itself in the jaw.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

The trigeminal nerve is responsible for the sensitivity of the facial region and mouth. If an inflammatory process has begun in the nerve, a person feels a sharp pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temple, eye or jaw, while the pain often spreads from one branch to another. To determine the reason why the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball the teeth hurts, a dentist and a neuropathologist can, who diagnose inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. After the diagnosis is made, medications are prescribed to completely eliminate the disease.

Soreness of the trigeminal nerve passes from one part of the face to another. Often there is aching soreness of the teeth on one side. Discomfort lasts 2-3 seconds, often occurs during a conversation, brushing your teeth or swallowing food.

There are a lot of reasons why pain occurs, and not all of them can be directly related to dental problems. If you experience such complications, it is important to seek help from a doctor in a timely manner, this is the only way to establish the cause and begin adequate treatment. Upon arrival at the dentist, you will be assigned the necessary tests and examinations, against which a diagnosis will be made.

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