Home / Teeth / Diseases and treatment / Causes and treatment of pain in the front upper and lower teeth

Front teeth hurt. What is the reason?

May 19, 2015 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

The incisor teeth (or frontal teeth), located in the front of the mouth, are the hallmark of a person’s smile and perform the main work while eating: they bite off food and crumble it into pieces. Thus, the front teeth protect their lateral relatives from excessive chewing movements. In this article, you will learn why your front teeth hurt and what you need to do to relieve the pain.

To keep the front teeth in order, you need to see a doctor at the first painful sensations, who will identify the cause and carry out the necessary treatment.

Pain in front teeth

Causes of pain

The most common causes of pain in the front teeth are caries and periodontitis (complicated caries), which can be triggered by improper oral hygiene, excessive consumption of sweets, crooked teeth, metabolic disorders, and a malfunction in the hormonal system.

Other factors of pain in the upper and lower front teeth:

  • mechanical impacts, injuries of teeth and gums;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve during stress;
  • age-related wear of enamel;
  • periodontitis (a complication caused by gum disease);
  • pulpitis (inflammation of the nerve);
  • bruxism (teeth grinding during sleep);
  • hyperesthesia (increased tooth sensitivity);
  • wisdom tooth, transferring pain to the front teeth;
  • non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations after treatment;
  • exacerbation during the treatment of periodontitis;
  • incorrect installation of the seal.

Pain in upper teeth

The causes of pain listed above apply to both types of front teeth: upper and lower. The vulnerability of the upper teeth lies in the highest risk of injury: from cracking nuts with a hard shell, inaccurate use of a fork, malocclusion, blows during training and sports meetings (among boxers), straining of the facial muscles when playing wind instruments (saxophone, flute, bassoon, oboe, trumpet and others).

The trauma of the upper front tooth can be hidden (internal crack, incomplete dislocation), so only a picture will show the true condition of the tooth and the cause of the pain.

Lower teeth hurt

The lower incisors, that is, the front teeth, are more prone to the accumulation of hard dental deposits in the form of calculus than the upper ones, especially on the inner surface and in the interdental space.

If careful oral hygiene is not observed, mainly during the evening brushing of teeth, then the lower front teeth are quickly affected by caries, which is accompanied by pain symptoms. With a protracted disease, its complication occurs, which is not always amenable to rapid treatment.

Development of caries

Since the structure of the incisors is more fragile than the molars, caries corrodes the front teeth much faster, developing near the gums or between the teeth. Food residues, if not cleaned out, create a favorable environment for caries and more complex diseases: pulpitis, periodontitis.

First aid

You can temporarily relieve the pain of the front teeth by rinsing from decoctions of sage, St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, a solution of baking soda and sea salt, applications of garlic or ground cloves. You can put a drop of clove oil on your tooth.

These funds are only primary, for tooth treatment you need to go to the dentist as soon as possible.


In dentistry, treating anterior teeth is a job that requires precision and skill, as incisors are relatively thin teeth. In the treatment of deep caries, special care is required to maintain the aesthetics of the tooth.

Pulpitis is treated with increased anesthesia. If the inflammatory process is small, then the medicine is administered. A very affected nerve is removed, the canals are cleaned, the tooth is sealed and the tooth is restored.


To avoid pain in the front teeth, you need to thoroughly clean them twice a day with toothpaste using dental floss, rinse your mouth after meals, include fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products, boiled or baked fish, boiled eggs in the diet.

To keep your teeth strong and your smile beautiful, you also need to visit the dental clinic twice a year and fully follow the doctor's instructions.

Button - July 20, 2016

When the pressure or the weather changes, my upper teeth always ache .. Moreover, everything is in order with my teeth, not a cavity, but they just hurt! Sometimes it can hurt for several days that only the nise helps, and sometimes it just goes away quickly ... Mom has the same thing, apparently family ...

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