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Toothache after filling. What to do?

April 22, 2015 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Toothache after treatment can accompany the patient from several hours to several days, but in some cases it lasts much longer.

Why does a tooth hurt after a filling?

A filling installed on a cured tooth is a barrier against disease, but if pain is felt, then the result of its occurrence can be many different reasons.

  • After proper treatment, tooth pain is normal. It is periodic in nature, it is not strong or growing, it exists from two weeks to two months.
  • Untreated caries makes itself felt after filling with aching pain of inflamed tooth tissues. A timely visit to the dentist will help prevent complications in the form of the development of pulpitis - inflammation of the dental nerve.
  • The pain of a sealed tooth is caused by already developing or chronic pulpitis, which was not diagnosed before the start of treatment.
  • The cause of pain is also incomplete treatment of inflamed tissues in periodontitis, which takes more than one visit of the patient and is considered quite difficult.
  • Toothache also occurs when a filling is worn out or installed at an insufficient or excessive level. The seal may be damaged due to the poor quality of the material or failure to follow the recommendations of the doctor.
  • For about two weeks, mild pain is felt as a result of trauma to healthy tissues obtained during the filling process.
  • The treatment procedure involves drying the inner walls of the tooth. If this stage is not performed correctly enough (it turned out to be underdrying or overdrying), then the sensitivity of the tooth increases significantly and painful discomfort is felt.
  • When the walls are not dry, the filling does not adhere in a humid place, which contributes to the development of inflammatory processes and causes pain.

In addition to the above reasons, toothache occurs when you are allergic to the filling material, do not follow the advice of the dentist, and do not follow enough oral hygiene .

How long does a tooth hurt after a filling?

If the treatment is carried out in accordance with all the rules, then the pain lasts, as already mentioned, from two weeks to two months and appears sparingly, without increasing. It can even pass in two hours or two days: it depends on the reaction of the body.

When the pain becomes tenacious and intrusive for two weeks, you do not need to endure two months, but immediately go to the dentist, who will find the cause of the patient's suffering, treat and give further recommendations.

How to eliminate severe pain at home?

If the doctor warned after filling about the possibility of toothache and gave the necessary advice, then with this symptom, you must strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist.

When the pain is taken by surprise, then first of all you need to clean the tooth from food debris, rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm, but not hot, water. The next step is to take one tablet of pain medication.

Drugs and their contraindications

There are many drugs that temporarily relieve pain: nimesil, nise, ibuprofen, nurofen, analgin, baralgin, ketorolac, ketarol, nimulide, coffedon, ketonal, actasulide and their analogues. For a short time, oral aspirin will also help, with severe pain - paracetamol.

Painkillers are not a treatment for toothache, in addition, they have contraindications against the background of stomach and duodenal ulcers, kidney and liver disease, hypertension, heart disease, pregnancy and lactation.

household products

  1. The most popular and effective method is rinsing with soda and salt. To prepare it, you need to add and stir a teaspoon of baking soda and salt, preferably sea salt, into a glass of warm boiled water. Rinsing with a solution of furacilin or hydrogen peroxide will help relieve pain.
  2. A cotton pad moistened with valocordin or valerian tincture is used as an applicator on a diseased tooth. For this purpose, a gruel of salt, garlic and onions is used in equal proportions and covered with a cotton or gauze swab.
  3. For 5-10 minutes, a piece of ice wrapped in one layer of sterile gauze or bandage is applied to the painful area.
  4. After half an hour, the pain will gradually subside if you put a piece of unsalted lard on the cheek of a sick tooth.
  5. You can hold a small amount of strong liquor behind your cheek. This remedy is only suitable for adults who have no contraindications.

Means of alternative medicine

Infusions of medicinal herbs are used as rinses during toothache. To do this, use sage, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, celandine, yarrow, oak bark. The infusion is prepared from one tablespoon of dry grass, which is poured with a glass of boiling water. Cooled to a warm state, the drug rinses the mouth.

Until qualified medical assistance is provided, you can alternate herbal rinses with applying a cotton swab soaked in healing oil to the tooth: tea tree, clove, camphor, fir. In addition to oils, eucalyptus tincture, grated beets with vegetable oil, and a piece of propolis are used as applications.


If the causative tooth is on the left, then you need to massage on the right hand at the intersection of the bones of the thumb and forefinger, which is closer to the wrist. You need to massage with an ice cube in vigorous circular motions for 5 minutes.

The auricles also have points that relieve toothache: the lowest on the lobe and the highest. Massage should be done on the ear located on the side of the tooth. The procedure time is at least 5 minutes.

What will hurt?

  • Pain will be aggravated by manipulations such as applying warming bandages, bags or socks with hot salt. An increase in blood flow with an increase in temperature will lead to additional pain.
  • In the same way, the body will react if a person lies down. In this position of the body, the tissues of the tooth feel the flow of blood and the pain intensifies.
  • You do not need to listen to those who advise putting aspirin on a bad tooth, as this can lead to a burn of the mucous membrane.


Severe pain with a high temperature indicates the severity of the disease. In this case, a prompt appeal to the doctor is necessary.

Treatment is carried out in accordance with the identified disease, which is diagnosed by the results of an x-ray examination of the tooth. At the end of the procedure, a temporary filling is placed for two weeks. Then, if the tooth does not bother, a permanent filling is placed.

Unbearable pain when pressed causes periodontitis - an advanced stage of pulpitis (inflammation of the dental nerve). This is a complex disease, the treatment of which is carried out for a long time.

After cleaning and treatment of root canals affected by periodontitis, a temporary filling with medicine is installed for 3 months to eliminate the source of infection. After this time, the doctor must make sure that the treatment is completed and a permanent filling can be placed. To fix the health of the tooth, a course of therapy is prescribed.

If the filling material causes an allergic reaction, the dentist will install a new allergen-free filling.

How long can you not eat after filling?

Modern fillings contain epoxy resin, which provides a quick creation of the required shape with simultaneous hardening. Fillings made of light polymers harden almost instantly, chemical fillings - about an hour. You can eat food after filling the tooth almost immediately, but for complacency it is better to wait about an hour.

By installing a temporary filling, the dentist warns of abstaining from food for two hours.

What to do if after filling the gum hurts and the cheek is swollen?

In this case, you need to understand the most important thing: you can’t do without the help of a doctor. The sooner the patient turns to dentistry, the less he will have to suffer.

To endure until a visit to a specialist, you can take measures that will ease the pain:

  • apply a heating pad with ice or a compress with ice cubes to the cheek for several minutes;
  • take an anesthetic drug;
  • alternate the compress with warm rinses of infusions or decoctions of medicinal herbs.

It should be remembered that warm and hot compresses will actively provoke pain and inflammation, so the medical dressing should be as cold as possible.

Do not take antibiotics without the advice of a doctor. This is a very specialized medicine, the thoughtless use of which leads to a decrease in immunity and complicates treatment.

Preventive procedures

After installing a filling on a tooth, it is important to follow the rules for the first week that will help minimize the possibility of pain. To do this, you do not need to eat and drink too hot or too cold. Temperature fluctuations can provoke pain in the treated tooth.

In addition, it will be useful to forget about smoking at least for a while, since a sealed tooth can react to many things for several days, including bad habits.

In order not to create a load on the tooth, you need to prefer softer food, chew only on the healthy side.

And the simplest, but extremely important: do not forget to brush your teeth after eating.

These few rules will help the tooth adapt in the first days after treatment.

If the tooth still hurts under a filling, then the necessary knowledge of first aid will alleviate the condition. And understanding that dental problems should always be solved by a doctor will ensure the health of teeth and gums.

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