Can pregnant women treat their teeth with local anesthesia?

January 24, 2017 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Before planning pregnancy, women are advised to treat all teeth and get rid of other dental problems. If the disease arose during the bearing of the baby, then it is necessary to study the information about the effect of anesthesia in this position.

Can pregnant women treat their teeth with anesthesia? When treating teeth during pregnancy, anesthesia is not prohibited. Sometimes it is better to use it to prevent possible risks to the fetus. After all, it may happen that the infection from the tooth passes into the body of the baby.

In addition, it is necessary to contact dentists, as there is a risk of deeper and more serious damage to the teeth.

The need for anesthesia

Pain relief may be required in several cases, such as when a tooth needs to be removed. Also indications for this procedure are neglected caries and periodontitis.

In the absence of indications and pain, it is recommended to visit a specialist in the second trimester, since the organs in the baby's body will have finished forming by that time, and the excitability of the uterus will decrease.

The principle of action of anesthesia

The pain reliever is given by injection and starts working in about 4-5 minutes. As a result, the body loses sensitivity to temperature, pain, and touch.

What drugs can be used for anesthesia during pregnancy?

A commonly used drug - adrenaline - should not be used by pregnant women, since increased pressure can lead to increased uterine tone. However, other drugs are not prohibited.

For the treatment of teeth in pregnant women, painkillers are used, which contain practically no adrenaline. These include primacaine and ultracaine . These funds do not have the opportunity to enter the child's body, as they are not able to get through the placenta.

  • Primakine has a short half-life, almost does not penetrate the placenta, so it is used not only for pregnant women, but also for young children.
  • As for ultracaine, it is also indicated for women who are breastfeeding, since a minimal amount of this drug enters breast milk.

What dental procedures are prohibited for pregnant women

These procedures include the following.

  1. Implantation - the resources used for engraftment are required in huge quantities, and the use of drugs has a harmful effect on the fetus.
  2. Teeth whitening - the solution used is easily able to penetrate the placenta, and the procedure itself can lead to thinning and further destruction of the enamel.
  3. The use of anesthesia , as it adversely affects the health of the unborn child.
  4. Taking x-rays - this may be allowed in exceptional situations, and the abdomen must be covered with a lead sheet.

At the same time, filling materials do not pose any threat to the health of the mother and fetus, so they can be safely used.

Pain relief at various stages of pregnancy

Regardless of the duration, anesthesia can cause harm. When using painkillers, there is a risk of the formation of defective and slowing down the growth of normal cells, violations of the biochemical reactions of metabolism.

In the early stages, the laying of the organs and systems of the body of the unborn child is observed, therefore, it is highly not recommended to use anesthesia for 2-8 weeks.

After 28 weeks, surgery using anesthesia is prohibited for the reason that it can lead to premature birth.

A number of painkillers slow down metabolism, as well as oxygen exchange between a woman and her child. If the placenta does not perform a barrier function, then the agent remains in the body, adversely affecting the condition and development of the fetus. If an operation is necessary, then doctors, if possible, postpone it for 14-28 weeks - this allows you not to use anesthesia in the early stages.

So, in order to maintain the health of the mother and fetus, doctors perform the following actions:

  1. delay the operation until 14-28 weeks;
  2. quickly carry out anesthesia and surgery;
  3. carefully choose an anesthetic method, taking into account the characteristics of the pregnancy of a particular woman and the individual characteristics of her condition.

Types of anesthesia

Anesthesia is divided into three types - general, regional and local.

Local is the safest method. Often it is used for the treatment of the oral cavity. Local anesthesia is the administration of an anesthetic by injection, which temporarily causes pain in a small area. Painlessness is achieved due to the fact that the needles used are extremely thin. However, such anesthesia also has side effects - for example, convulsions, fainting, an allergic reaction, and heart rhythm disturbances.

If local anesthesia is not possible, then regional anesthesia is used. Its action is similar to that of the local one - the same applies to side effects.

General anesthesia is prohibited for use in early pregnancy. Such drugs can have a toxic effect on the body of the mother and fetus, and in rare situations lead to vasodilation, which contributes to impaired blood flow between the uterus and the placenta.

Prevention of dental diseases

Dental care at home is of particular importance. It is recommended to purchase a toothpaste that does not contain mint oils and lauryl sulfate.

In a pharmacy, you should buy remineralizing gels. They have a lot of useful properties - they strengthen dental tissues, reduce their sensitivity, and if there is caries in the form of a stain, they stabilize it.

It is also necessary to regularly undergo an examination with a dentist who will be able to notice problems in time and will sanitize the oral cavity.

Thus, in the presence of a diseased tooth, a woman needs to urgently visit a dentist. Delaying treatment can cause pathogens to cause irreparable harm to the health of the mother and fetus. In most situations, the pain medications used are much safer than the potential harm from not being treated.

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