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Causes of pain in the gums with a cold and methods of treatment

January 18, 2016 | author : dentist, Gaiduk Igor

Why do gums hurt with a cold? A cold is an unpleasant phenomenon in itself, which is accompanied by general weakness, fever, cough and runny nose. Very often, toothache or gum pain is added to these symptoms.

During colds, many patients complain of swelling and aching pain in the gums. The cause may be an elevated temperature, which can provoke pain in various parts of the body, including the gums and teeth. During illness, human immunity is significantly reduced, which allows bacteria and microbes to freely enter the body, multiply and cause various diseases. Other causes of gum pain can be an inflamed trigeminal nerve or sinusitis.

Despite the pain, do not forget about oral hygiene even during illness. Brushing your teeth and tongue twice a day destroys a huge number of germs that attack the body. During a cold, the immune system is weakened and it is more difficult for the body to fight viruses. Even a small draft can cause inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. If possible, it is better to stay at home.

Treating gums for colds at home

There are several folk recipes that have long saved our ancestors from pain in the gums:

  • Propolis has an analgesic effect. This is a good natural antiseptic, which will not only help relieve pain, but also have an antibacterial effect on the oral mucosa, and also help to avoid the formation of a purulent abscess.

Propolis is a bee glue that is widely used in its natural form or in tincture. Both remedies are good for both gums and teeth. Apply propolis to the gums on the affected side. No less effective is the method of rinsing the teeth with propolis tincture. In both cases, it should be remembered that it is strongly not recommended to swallow propolis.

  • Garlic. It is used in all folk methods of treating inflammation of the gums, including during a cold. How to use:
  1. Cut a clove of garlic and rub it on sore gums several times a day. You can apply half a clove to the most inflamed area for a few minutes.
  2. Finely crush two cloves of garlic and dilute with curdled milk. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the gums throughout the disease.
  • Ginger. Brew strong ginger tea and rinse your mouth with it. You can rub your gums with a piece of ginger.
  • Well relieve pain in the gums herbal decoctions of sage, mint, yarrow, thyme. You can use an infusion of a mixture of these herbs or brew them separately.
  • Tea. Black tea is rich in tannins, which relieve swelling, help eliminate bleeding and relieve pain. Apply a tea bag soaked in warm water to the gums for 15 minutes, after which it is not recommended to eat for half an hour.
  • Mix hydrogen peroxide in equal amounts with warm water and rinse your mouth after eating. This mixture is also effective in relieving pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Baking soda. One teaspoon of baking soda is dissolved in a glass of hot water, allowed to cool slightly. Soda solution not only soothes toothache, but also eliminates white plaque on the gums and tongue caused by the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Geranium will help relieve severe pain. To do this, it is worth kneading a couple of flower leaves a little and attaching to the gum. The pain usually subsides after a few minutes.

Homeopathic remedies for gum disease

Before starting to treat gum pain with homeopathic remedies, you should consult with a homeopathic doctor. Medicines, even if they are of plant origin, require careful use. Only used as prescribed by a doctor and in recommended doses, they are able to alleviate the patient's condition and relieve pain without causing harm to health.

Medications for gum pain

Treatment with medicines for colds, although it has an effect, is considered the most dangerous. Due to the possibility of a negative effect on other organs and systems, medication should be taken only as directed by a doctor.

  • A popular drug for gum pain is chlorhexidine . It is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. It is enough to dilute a few drops in a glass of warm boiled water and rinse the gums with this solution at least three times a day.
  • Metronidazole . Crush the tablet thoroughly and stir the resulting powder in a glass of warm water.
  • Inexpensive and relatively harmless is Paracetamol . It is able to soothe not very severe pain in the gums, as well as prevent the inflammatory process in the body and reduce fever.
  • With severe pain in the gums, it is recommended to take Ibuprofen . It is a powerful analgesic drug that also has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.

Dangerous causes of gum pain

All of the above methods greatly facilitate the patient's condition with a cold, but do not neglect a visit to the dentist. Only as a result of a medical examination, it is possible to establish the cause of the pain and prescribe an effective treatment. Most often, a course of anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed, and to strengthen the immune system - a complex of vitamins and minerals, which necessarily include calcium.

There are cases when the patient is referred to a neurologist. This is due to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, which can only be diagnosed and treated by a doctor. When a viral infection enters the body, the trigeminal nerve becomes inflamed, which can also be accompanied by severe pain in the gums. At the same time, not only the teeth hurt, but the entire jaw, especially on the side where the inflammation occurs. There is swelling of the face, any facial movements, chewing food and swallowing are also accompanied by pain. Most often, in this case, a course of antibiotics and heating by electrophoresis are prescribed.

Pain in the gums can also be caused by the accumulation of pus. In this case, a surgical operation is prescribed to remove it. To remove suppuration, an incision is made in the gum, accumulations of pus are carefully cleaned out and drainage is placed. The procedure is not very pleasant, however, if it is not carried out in time, you can lose a tooth.

And it is worth remembering that the inflammatory process and the pus formed in the sinuses will not go away on their own and treatment is necessary.

Blockage of the maxillary sinuses can also be accompanied by toothache or gum pain. With sinusitis, pustular growths form on the gums, which put pressure on the roots of the teeth, thereby causing a lot of torment to the patient. The cause of pain in the gums can be a complication that began after the disease, so dental care is indispensable here.

Important to remember! Swelling and pain in the gums with a cold is a signal that treatment should be started immediately in order to prevent the development of diseases and possible complications. And also help the body recover from a cold and strengthen a weakened immune system.

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