Question 5 of 10

Improper rinsing of the mouth with an open wound can cause the development of ...
A: Inflammatory process in the socket of the tooth
Correct answer: All these symptoms indicate the development of such an unpleasant disease as alveolitis, and its progression in the body leads to the development of severe pain in the mouth
B: Gingival swelling
Correct answer: All these symptoms indicate the development of such an unpleasant disease as alveolitis, and its progression in the body leads to the development of severe pain in the mouth
C: Occurrence of bad breath
Correct answer: All these symptoms indicate the development of such an unpleasant disease as alveolitis, and its progression in the body leads to the development of severe pain in the mouth
D: All of the above
Explanation: All these symptoms indicate the development of such an unpleasant disease as alveolitis, and its progression in the body leads to the development of severe pain in the mouth.